NACDS Fighting for PBM Reform in California
California Senate Bill 966 would help rein in the harmful tactics of the PBM middlemen by providing much-needed oversight and transparency.
California Senate Bill 966 would help rein in the harmful tactics of the PBM middlemen by providing much-needed oversight and transparency.
NACDS is asking Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign PBM reform in his state - and to fuel momentum across the nation.
NACDS: “Given the intolerable nature of market-dominant PBMs’ practices and their far-reaching negative effects, the reforms that now enjoy bipartisan and bicameral consensus must be considered ‘must-pass’ legislation in the 118th Congress”
NACDS’ seven-figure ad campaign to advance PBM reform will reach Presidential debate viewers in the Washington, D.C. market this week.
2024 NACDS Total Store Expo welcomes NACDS chain and supplier members to Boston with impressive conference schedule; opportunities to come together to collaborate, innovate and confront industry pressures.
NACDS continues to urge the vital need for reforms at the federal level that will prevent “pharmaceutical benefit manipulation” across all markets – Medicare, Medicaid and commercial.
Report: “The Committee’s findings indicate that the present role of PBMs in prescription drug markets is failing and requires change”
NACDS urges “tenacity” by House Oversight and Accountability Committee in its hearing and investigation.
A coalition of organizations representing pharmacies and pharmacists across all practice settings released a statement today ahead of a Tuesday, July 23 U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing on PBM middlemen tactics.
HB 1993 includes important PBM reforms and protections for Pennsylvania families’ access to pharmacies for important services.