Be an Educated #PharmacyVoter: Don’t Miss the 2016 Presidential Debates!

2016-09-23T09:54:31-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

As Election Day fast approaches, a series of upcoming presidential debates will offer an excellent opportunity to gain pivotal insights into the presidential candidates as they face off against one another.

 The topics of the first debate, scheduled for Monday, September 26, were announced this week and they include America’s direction, achieving prosperity and securing America. The announcement noted that topics could change due to news developments.

There will be three presidential debates held over the next four weeks leading up to Election Day on November 8, as well as one vice presidential debate. Each debate will be broadcast live on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, among others. The debates will air from 9 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. ET (8 p.m.—9:30 p.m. CT, 7 p.m.—8:30 p.m. MT, 6 p.m.—7:30 p.m. PT).

First presidential debate: Monday, Sept. 26, 2016, at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y.
Moderator: Lester Holt, anchor, “NBC Nightly News”

Vice presidential debate: Tuesday,Oct. 4, 2016, at Longwood University in Farmville, Va.
Moderator: Elaine Quijano, anchor, CBSN, and CBS News correspondent

Second presidential debate: Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016, at Washington University in St. Louis, Ill.
Moderators: Martha Raddatz, chief global affairs correspondent and co-anchor of ABC’s “This Week,”, and
Anderson Cooper, anchor, CNN

Third presidential debate: Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016, at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nev.
Moderator: Chris Wallace, anchor, “Fox News Sunday”

Through the #PharmacyVoter effort, NACDS is urging the people of pharmacy to demonstrate their political engagement by learning more about the candidates and volunteering and voting for the candidates of their choice at all levels of government.

NACDS RxIMPACT Funds Successful Get-Out-the-Vote Event

2016-09-09T21:08:56-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: |

NACDS RxIMPACT Votes is actively engaged in motivating and educating the pharmacy community on the importance of getting out the vote.

The presidential election on November 8 is right around the corner, but it’s not too late to get friends and colleagues engaged and ready to vote.

NACDS RxIMPACT Votes is actively engaged in motivating and educating the pharmacy community on the importance of getting out the vote. With funding from the program, Steve Ferris, Discount Drug Mart, Inc.’s government and public affairs director, arranged another successful get-out-the-vote event during a twice yearly pharmacists meeting, which is a mix of continuing education, best practices and vendor sessions. Ferris said the event was “super.”

There were more than 225 pharmacists and members of Discount Drug Mart, Inc.’s corporate team in attendance over the two-day meeting.

Ferris used the newly-created NACDS RxIMPACT Votes flyer as a handout in packets for the event, and the event’s speaker emphasized the importance of NACDS RxIMPACT Votes—and, especially, showing up at the polls. Ferris plans to follow up with an email blast to 1,000 of Discount Drug Mart, Inc.’s employees who are related to their pharmacy operations and all their corporate office employees with a link to The NACDS RxIMPACT Votes resource site features #PharmacyVoter campaign ads “Momentum” and “Effective,” which encourage pharmacy personnel to volunteer and vote for candidates of their choice. Ferris will also send an email blast closer to the election with information on polling locations.

These NACDS RxIMPACT Votes resources are accessible and ready to be shared. Election Day is almost here and voter turnout, especially after such a contentious campaign, is more important than ever.

NACDS RxIMPACT Lauds Roundtable Focused on Curbing Opioid Addiction

2016-08-31T13:55:42-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: |

Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO) and Brandon Martin, PharmD, pharmacy manager of the Ladue, Mo. Genoa, a QoL Healthcare Company, at a roundtable to discuss curbing opioid abuse.

NACDS RxIMPACT lauds Genoa, a QoL Healthcare Company’s, participation in a roundtable discussion with Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO) recently in Ladue, Mo. An emergency room physician, a police officer and members of the addiction treatment and mental health community also participated to discuss strategies to curb the rise of opioid addiction in their community.

The group discussed strategies to engage young people and families to increase awareness about opioid addiction.  They also talked about the potential benefits for their community with the passage of bipartisan, NACDS-backed legislation, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA). The bill  would adjust existing authorizations and programs to provide a series of resources and incentives to help healthcare providers, law enforcement officials and state and local governments to expand drug treatment, prevention and recovery efforts.

Brandon Martin, PharmD, the pharmacy’s general manager, said, “It was a productive meeting and I was able to share our company’s mission and talk about what we do here at Genoa.” He added that the meeting was “definitely a positive experience.”

Ready to Vote? Spread the News!

2016-08-30T13:20:57-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

NACDS RxIMPACT Votes recently released a new resource that encourages advocates to use their social media platforms to actively encourage their friends and associates with positive, personal messages to get involved, educated about the candidates—and to vote.

The flyer features sample tweets, Instagram posts and Facebook status ideas that advocates can use to show what they’re doing to become a #PharmacyVoter in #Election2016. Tell your followers you are voting and ask them to do the same. Tweet out voter registration deadlines and reminders to vote on November 8th. Share links to candidate lists and ballot initiatives.

Shape tomorrow by voting today!

NACDS RxIMPACT Gets Out the Vote—and Gains Recognition

2016-08-25T11:11:54-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

Leading the industry in mobilizing voters with robust, nonpartisan get-out-the-vote initiatives, NACDS RxIMPACT Votes aims to increase voter registration and political engagement in campaigns. The program does not encourage voting for any particular candidates, rather it focuses on getting voters excited about being part of the election process.

“You give me a date, time and city, and we’ll make it happen.” –Heidi Ecker, NACDS director of government affairs and grassroots programs

NACDS RxIMPACT Votes recently released a new resource which encourages advocates to use their social media platforms to actively encourage their friends and associates with positive, personal messages to get involved, educated about the candidates—and to vote. The flyer features sample tweets, Instagram posts and Facebook status ideas that advocates can use to show what they’re doing to become a #PharmacyVoter in #Election2016. Earlier this year, the program also launched two widely shared  #PharmacyVoter campaign “ads”—Momentum and Effective—which have gotten nearly 140,000 views on YouTube combined.

NACDS’ groundbreaking and highly effective grassroots program NACDS RxIMPACT was also recognized by the association industry publication CEO Update in an article that highlighted the longevity and breadth of the program, which has facilitated more than 500 events and meetings since its inception in 2008. NACDS Director of Government Affairs and Grassroots Programs Heidi Ecker, conveying the proactive nature of the program in the article, said, “You give me a date, time and city, and we’ll make it happen.”

The media attention comes as NACDS RxIMPACT marks the 64th in-district activity of 2016—to date. The program also educates advocates across the country with its NACDS RxIMPACT Training Program, which travelled to Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences in North Carolina and the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin this week to illustrate the power grassroots advocacy can have in advancing pro-patient, pro-pharmacy legislative priorities. Immediately following Ecker’s presentation in North Carolina, Bob Cisneros, Ph.D., associate professor at Campbell University, wrote and said, “…thank you so much for a great presentation and for inspiring our students to get involved. Your presentation is super.”

Some Saw NACDS’ #PharmacyVoter Ads for the First Time at TSE; Have You Seen Them?

2016-08-11T13:18:55-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , , |

One of many themes that emerged from the NACDS Total Store Expo (TSE) was the importance of advocating for pharmacy. NACDS President & CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, outlined several programs under the aegis of the NACDS RxIMPACT program, including RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill.

Pharmacy provider status legislation has 60 percent of Congress not only just supporting it, but cosponsoring the legislation.

During the signature grassroots advoacy event, nearly 500 people industry advocates go to Capitol Hill to communicate pro-patient, pro-pharmacy messages to members of Congress. At this year’s conference in March, advocates met with 480 Congressional offices, which is 90 percent of the entire Congress. NACDS RxIMPACT pharmacy tours also get members of Congress into stores and aware of pharmacy legislative priorities.

NACDS is currently supporting legislation, the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act (H.R. 592/S. 314), which would enable pharmacists to provide services to Medicare patients in underserved communities. Pharmacy provider status legislation has 60 percent of Congress not only just supporting it, but cosponsoring the legislation. Anderson also noted the NACDS RxIMPACT Get-Out-the-Vote campaign, which has successful video ads—“Momentum” and “Effective”—designed to engage advocates and increase voter participation, is pivotal in increasing voter participation and advancing pharmacy issues on Capitol Hill. The ads–branded with #PharmacyVoter–are popular on YouTube.

Some attendees told NACDS staff that the first time they had seen the ads was during the TSE Business Program. Those new to the ads, and those who have seen them but have not yet used them within their companies, are invited to do so to encourage staff to volunteer and vote for the candidates of their choice.

Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL) Learns about Provider Status Legislation

2016-08-04T12:20:28-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL) got a chance to learn firsthand about expanded pharmacist services when he participated in a recent NACDS RxIMPACT pharmacy tour of a Winn-Dixie in Mobile, Ala.

Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL) got a chance to learn firsthand about expanded pharmacist services when he participated in a recent NACDS RxIMPACT pharmacy tour of a Winn-Dixie in Mobile, Ala. The pharmacy team explained to the legislator how the bill would expand access and payment for Medicare Part B services by state-licensed pharmacists in medically-underserved communities. Byrne was not aware of the legislation previously. John Greene, RPh, the pharmacy district manager for Southeastern Grocers LLC, said, “The topics were eye-opening to the congressman and I could tell he enjoyed having his knowledge enhanced about these areas.” The pharmacy team also covered other services pharmacists provide, including immunizations and medication therapy management. Greene said there was a lot of “positive interaction” between the staff and the congressman.

NACDS RxIMPACT Pharmacy Tour: “The Best Type of Legislative Visit”

2016-06-28T10:45:03-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

As NACDS RxIMPACT continues to maximize the value of in-district congressional activities, a report from the pharmacy manager, Brandon Martin, PharmD, of Genoa, a QoL Healthcare Company, in Ladue, Mo., called a recent pharmacy tour with a field representative for Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO), “the best type of legislative visit.”

Thanks for allowing me this opportunity to help advance our profession.

Martin took Wagner’s field representative, Jordan Fears, on a tour of the pharmacy, showing him the array of services the location offers, including precribers, counselors, therapists and the pharmacy. Martin said Fears was engaged and receptive. Martin also briefed him on medication therapy management benefits for patients and NACDS-backed provider status legislation, H.R. 592.

Martin said, “Mr. Fears arrived ready to learn as much as he could about the practice of pharmacy. The visit lasted a little over an hour and it ended with him taking my card and letting me know that he would take me up on being a resource for information on legislation.” He added, “Thanks for allowing me this opportunity to help advance our profession.”

Join Pharmacy’s Team: Become an NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact

2016-06-23T10:28:37-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

NACDS represents members—by advocating on behalf of the pharmacy community with a resonant, unified voice about the value of pharmacy.

Your engagement is truly essential, especially in an election year.

In order to reach as many members of Congress effectively, it is essential to build and foster relationships with select members of Congress so key pharmacy legislative priorities are on their radar and they understand their importance.

What can you do? Become a part of the growing NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact program, which exists under a broader NACDS RxIMPACT umbrella and empowers NACDS member company representatives to build relationships with members of Congress to advance pharmacy legislative issues over the long term.

The public policy arena is only getting more competitive. More advocates, representing a wide range of issues, are engaging with Congress to make their views heard. Becoming an NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact is the first stop on the train of grassroots advocacy and reaching your member of Congress on various pharmacy issues. It’s also a great way great way to get more involved beyond attending NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill, and to build on any relationships you began during the trip to Washington.

Your engagement is truly essential, especially in an election year. Members of Congress that you sign up to engage with, or that you already have a relationship with, are going to be spending a lot of time back in their home districts this summer, which presents many excellent opportunities to connect with members on their home turf for town hall meetings, meet-and-greets, in-district office hours, ribbon cuttings, and pharmacy tours. These kinds of in-district events present great opportunities to join your fellow constituents and directly interact with lawmakers about pharmacy concerns.  It’s also a way to stay in touch with in-district staff members, who are key allies in gaining access to legislators at home, and an often overlooked resource next to their more visible Capitol Hill staff counterparts.

Also upcoming are the Republican and Democratic Conventions in July.  This is definitely a good time to get involved!

Join the NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact Program today and distinguish yourself as a pharmacy advocate. [ READ MORE ]

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