NACDS Applauds Trump Administration Decision to Approve Pharmacist-Provided COVID-19 Testing NACDS – representing 40,000 pharmacies with 155,000 pharmacists – has urged removing major barrier to patient testing by empowering the most accessible healthcare professionals

2020-04-08T17:40:47-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

NACDS – representing 40,000 pharmacies with 155,000 pharmacists – has urged removing major barrier to patient testing by empowering the most accessible healthcare professionals

Sharing Our New Ad With You – COVID-19

2020-04-02T09:09:51-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

"Rise," a 30-second ad by NACDS, captures the spirit and resolve of member companies, their teams, their customers, their communities and our nation - amid COVID-19 and throughout time.

Pharmacies Welcome Trump Administration Call to Governors for Steps to Empower Health Professionals – Urge Removal of More Barriers Now NACDS’ Anderson: “Our nation will not be able to fully ‘bend the curve,’ nor re-launch the economy, without unleashing pharmacies and pharmacists”

2020-03-25T23:40:48-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

NACDS’ Anderson: “Our nation will not be able to fully ‘bend the curve,’ nor re-launch the economy, without unleashing pharmacies and pharmacists”

Federal Policymaking Can Help Pharmacies Ensure Access to Essential Care Amid COVID-19, NACDS Says Letter to Congress, Administration urges immediate steps “to further optimize the critical role pharmacy plays in helping to respond to this national emergency”

2020-03-17T11:39:24-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Letter to Congress, Administration urges immediate steps “to further optimize the critical role pharmacy plays in helping to respond to this national emergency”

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