Patients, Consumers, the Underserved, Healthcare Providers and Public Health Call on Congress to Fix a Missing Link So Pharmacies Can Ramp Up COVID Testing and Prepare for Vaccinations Patient groups urging action in next COVID bill represent 200 million Americans living with cancer, cardiovascular disease, HIV, mental health issues, liver disease, lupus and other conditions

2020-08-06T14:58:55-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

Patient groups urging action in next COVID bill represent 200 million Americans living with cancer, cardiovascular disease, HIV, mental health issues, liver disease, lupus and other conditions.

NACDS’ Anderson Discusses Industry Response to COVID-19, Leadership in Times of Crisis, Social Justice with The George Washington Presidential Library

2020-08-06T11:18:47-04:00Categories: Video|Tags: , |

NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson discussed the importance of strong leadership in times of crisis with Dr. Peter Cressy, Director of the prestigious George Washington Leadership Institute of The George Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon.

NACDS Statement on Crucial Role of Pharmacies in Eventual COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment National organization representing pharmacies of diverse formats and sizes says: “By any measure, America’s pharmacies present patients and the nation with an efficient, effective and essential component of vaccine deployment”

2020-07-31T12:59:37-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

National organization representing pharmacies of diverse formats and sizes says: “By any measure, America’s pharmacies present patients and the nation with an efficient, effective and essential component of vaccine deployment”

NACDS Urges States to Keep in Place Pharmacy Policies Needed to Serve Patients Amid COVID-19 and the Flu Letter to National Governors Association leaders and all governors stresses the importance of establishing certainty that flexibilities established early in the pandemic will be sustained.

2020-07-24T13:55:10-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

Letter to National Governors Association leaders and all governors stresses the importance of establishing certainty that flexibilities established early in the pandemic will be sustained.

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