NACDS’ Anderson: Pharmacy Essential to a Nation Confronting Chaotic Times “State of the industry” remarks hail the role of pharmacy to address public health crisis and health disparities; urge pro-patient and pro-pharmacy policies on COVID-19, scope of practice and pharmacy reimbursement

2020-10-08T09:45:22-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

At a virtual industry event, NACDS' president and CEO delivered "state of the industry" remarks hailing the role of pharmacy to address COVID-19 and to confront health disparities, and calling for pro-patient and pro-pharmacy public policy.

Presidential Debate Watchers in D.C. to See NACDS Flu Ads

2020-09-29T09:59:51-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , , , |

NACDS’ flu-vaccination message is set to achieve significant visibility before the Washington, D.C. political establishment and opinion leaders this week. In the Washington, D.C. market, our TV ads will run five times each on FOX News Channel and CNN on Tuesday and Wednesday – the “Presidential debate day” and “debate reaction day.”

NACDS Engages State Legislators in Flu Vaccination Awareness Campaign National pharmacy group is highly visible this week at National Conference of State Legislatures Base Camp 2020 to provide communications tools; National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations contributes leadership to flu vaccination initiative

2020-09-15T08:00:57-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

NACDS is showcasing its flu-vaccination awareness campaign at a National Conference of State Legislatures online event and the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations is contributing its leadership to the initiative.

NACDS Prioritizes Underserved, Disadvantaged Communities in Communicating Importance of Flu Vaccinations National pharmacy group collaborates with Howard University College of Pharmacy and United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in second week of flu vaccination awareness campaign

2020-09-10T13:38:14-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

National pharmacy group collaborates with Howard University College of Pharmacy and United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in second week of flu vaccination awareness campaign.

NACDS Welcomes HHS Decision to Empower Pharmacists to Administer Safe and Effective COVID-19 Vaccinations National pharmacy group with 40,000 traditional, supermarket and mass retail pharmacies and 155,000 pharmacists: “This is an extremely important decision. When safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations are available, it will be essential to have pharmacies and pharmacists prepared to be ‘ready, set, go.’”

2020-09-09T14:25:18-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

National pharmacy group with 40,000 traditional, supermarket and mass retail pharmacies and 155,000 pharmacists: “This is an extremely important decision. When safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations are available, it will be essential to have pharmacies and pharmacists prepared to be ‘ready, set, go.’”.

NACDS Urges Flu Vaccinations as Two-Front Public Health War Looms with COVID-19 National pharmacy group releases video ads and other resources to reach all Americans, with an emphasis on addressing healthcare disparities

2020-09-02T08:00:45-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

NACDS' video ads include an emphasis on addressing healthcare disparities. The CDC Foundation and the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases are among those providing leadership to amplify critical messages. 

NACDS Lauds HHS’ Move to Boost Young Americans’ Access to Pharmacist-Provided Vaccinations Amid Public Health Crisis National pharmacy group with 40,000 traditional, supermarket and mass retail pharmacies and 155,000 pharmacists: today’s announcement further empowers the paramount education, trust and accessibility of pharmacies and pharmacists – the face of neighborhood healthcare

2020-08-19T13:07:24-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

National pharmacy group with 40,000 traditional, supermarket and mass retail pharmacies and 155,000 pharmacists: today’s announcement further empowers the paramount education, trust and accessibility of pharmacies and pharmacists – the face of neighborhood healthcare.

NACDS Chair Rick Keyes Spotlights NACDS’ Proactive Stance in Mass Market Retailers and Chain Drug Review Video Interview

2020-08-17T10:47:52-04:00Categories: Video|Tags: , |

NACDS Chair Rick Keyes, president and CEO of Meijer, Inc., participated in an energetic discussion about NACDS' engagement on COVID-19 issues and ongoing priorities in a video interview with Jeff Woldt, vice president and editorial director of Racher Press, publisher of Mass Market Retailers and Chain Drug Review.

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