NACDS Lauds Preparedness and Dedication of Diverse Pharmacies, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Teams Upon HHS’ Announcement about Their Role in COVID-19 Vaccinations

2020-11-13T09:34:47-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson issued the following statement, upon the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ announcement about national and regional chain pharmacies’ and independent pharmacies’ role in increasing access to future COVID-19 vaccinations:

NACDS Engages State Medicaid Directors as Flu Vaccination Awareness Campaign Advances National pharmacy group is highly visible this week at National Association of Medicaid Directors 2020 Virtual Conference; invites Medicaid Directors and staff to interactive booth with flu-communications tools that can help reach vulnerable Americans

2020-11-09T10:36:53-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

National pharmacy group is highly visible this week at National Association of Medicaid Directors 2020 Virtual Conference; invites Medicaid Directors and staff to interactive booth with flu-communications tools that can help reach vulnerable Americans.

NACDS Engages with U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Flu Vaccinations’ Importance to Health of Americans, Economy Program geared to representatives of 400 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Federation Partners, including state, metro and local chambers and business trade associations

2020-10-30T11:31:34-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson was interviewed by Carolyn Cawley, president, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, and senior vice president, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as part of a U.S. Chamber of Commerce program titled “No Crystal Ball Needed: Keeping America Safe and Open.” The program was geared to representatives of 400 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Federation Partners, including state, metro and local chambers and business trade associations.

Meijer Pharmacist Takes Flu-Vaccination Messages to National Stage in U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Event

2020-10-23T11:28:47-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , , , |

I want to thank and recognize Heather Schultz, a pharmacist at a Meijer Pharmacy in Saginaw, Michigan, for representing the profession, the industry, her company, and NACDS so effectively in a U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation event. Many thanks as well to NACDS Chair Rick Keyes, president and CEO of Meijer, Inc., and the entire Meijer team for their engagement in this event.

NACDS Welcomes HHS Decision to Enhance Patients’ Access to COVID-19 Vaccinations, Other Vaccinations and COVID-19 Tests with Wise Use of Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacy Interns “The trust and accessibility of pharmacies are essential to public health preparedness and this is another important decision that will help to reach more Americans more efficiently”

2020-10-21T15:36:20-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

“The trust and accessibility of pharmacies are essential to public health preparedness and this is another important decision that will help to reach more Americans more efficiently”.

NACDS’ Anderson: Pharmacy Essential to a Nation Confronting Chaotic Times “State of the industry” remarks hail the role of pharmacy to address public health crisis and health disparities; urge pro-patient and pro-pharmacy policies on COVID-19, scope of practice and pharmacy reimbursement

2020-10-08T09:45:22-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

At a virtual industry event, NACDS' president and CEO delivered "state of the industry" remarks hailing the role of pharmacy to address COVID-19 and to confront health disparities, and calling for pro-patient and pro-pharmacy public policy.

Presidential Debate Watchers in D.C. to See NACDS Flu Ads

2020-09-29T09:59:51-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , , , |

NACDS’ flu-vaccination message is set to achieve significant visibility before the Washington, D.C. political establishment and opinion leaders this week. In the Washington, D.C. market, our TV ads will run five times each on FOX News Channel and CNN on Tuesday and Wednesday – the “Presidential debate day” and “debate reaction day.”

NACDS Engages State Legislators in Flu Vaccination Awareness Campaign National pharmacy group is highly visible this week at National Conference of State Legislatures Base Camp 2020 to provide communications tools; National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations contributes leadership to flu vaccination initiative

2020-09-15T08:00:57-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

NACDS is showcasing its flu-vaccination awareness campaign at a National Conference of State Legislatures online event and the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations is contributing its leadership to the initiative.

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