NACDS Welcomes Enactment of Vermont PBM Reform Bill

2024-06-06T16:14:11-04:00Categories: In Case You Missed It|Tags: , , , , |

H. 233 includes important reforms that will help curb PBM tactics threatening Vermont patients and the pharmacies on which they rely.

June 11 Online Event Explores Major Food is Medicine Announcement by Milken Institute, NACDS

2024-06-13T11:24:44-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Milken Institute's Holly Freishtat and NACDS' Steven C. Anderson - elaborated on a major announcement about food is medicine.

In New Radio Ad Campaign, NACDS Urges Massachusetts to ‘STAND UP’ to PBM Middlemen and Pass PBM Reform Now

2024-06-05T09:45:59-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , |

The Massachusetts advertising campaign comes as part of NACDS’ broader advocacy work in collaboration with in-state partners.

NACDS Engages in Food as Medicine Strategy Summit

2024-05-30T16:58:34-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , , , , , |

NACDS participated on May 30 in a panel discussion hosted by thINc360 – The Healthcare Innovation Congress, which focused on how pharmacies and other healthcare stakeholders can help broaden the impact of food is medicine programs through technology, partnerships, and evidence-based interventions.

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