NACDS Regional Chain Conference Underscores Resilience, Commitment, Community-Focus of Retail Pharmacy Throughout COVID Pandemic Virtual event brings together traditional drug and grocery chains with between four and 250 locations, and their supplier partners; features insights and collaboration on diverse health-and-wellness and front-end topics

2021-02-10T12:03:48-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , , , |

Virtual event brings together traditional drug and grocery chains with between four and 250 locations, and their supplier partners; features insights and collaboration on diverse health-and-wellness and front-end topics.

NACDS-Funded Research Receives 2021 APhA Academy of Pharmaceutical Research & Science Award Research paper recognized by American Pharmacists Association centers on the Optimizing Care Model; says “community pharmacy represents a major health care access point for high-quality, convenient, and cost-effective care”

2020-12-15T15:25:09-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: |

The NACDS-funded paper — “Exploring the implementation of a novel optimizing care model in the community pharmacy setting” — has received the American Pharmacists Association’s 2021 Wiederholt Prize for Best Published Papers Award for Economic, Social, and Administrative Sciences.

NACDS Lauds HHS Report Recognizing Pharmacy’s Role in Advancing Hypertension Control Surgeon General’s Call to Action report says community pharmacies are “in a central position to offer hypertension education and link to clinical care teams”

2020-10-08T14:47:21-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

The report outlines three goals: 1) Make hypertension control a priority; 2) Ensure that the places where people live, learn, work and play support hypertension control; and 3) Optimize patient care for hypertension control.

NACDS Hails Journal of the American Medical Association Article Showing Pharmacists’ Critical Role in Patient-Centered Services Article extends collaborations between NACDS and University of Pittsburgh, cites pharmacy’s ability to provide preventive services and chronic care management

2020-07-27T16:49:54-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: |

Article extends collaborations between NACDS and University of Pittsburgh, cites pharmacy’s ability to provide preventive services and chronic care management.

NACDS Issues New COVID-19 Report on Reopening America National group representing 40,000 pharmacies with 155,000 pharmacists urges federal and state government to take urgent steps for testing, contact tracing, and vaccines/treatments

2020-05-15T07:00:21-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

To reopen the nation successfully and to suppress future COVID-19 outbreaks, NACDS is urging government actions supporting three key objectives that are crucial for the health of all Americans, related to testing, contact tracing and vaccines or treatments.

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