In-Person NACDS Regional Conference Emphasizes Pharmacies’ Successes During COVID and United Industry’s Relentless “Push” to Maintain Pharmacy Viability and Serve Consumers Signature NACDS event brings together traditional drug and grocery chains with between four and 250 locations, and their supplier partners; previews health and wellness revolution that will define the future of the industry

2022-01-24T17:19:48-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

Signature NACDS event brings together traditional drug and grocery chains with between four and 250 locations, and their supplier partners; previews health and wellness revolution that will define the future of the industry.

NACDS Honored with Chain Drug Review’s “Retailer of the Year” Award The recognition is a powerful tribute to the diverse membership that comprises NACDS and their commitment to serving the American people

2022-01-13T11:04:19-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , , |

The recognition is a powerful tribute to the diverse membership that comprises NACDS and their commitment to serving the American people.

NACDS Emphasizes Members’ Contributions to Fight Against the COVID Pandemic and Vision for a Future of Service in U.S. Chamber of Commerce Report Pharmacies have proven themselves again throughout the pandemic as the face of neighborhood healthcare with “lights on, doors open” every step of the way

2022-01-12T09:39:24-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Pharmacies have proven themselves again throughout the pandemic as the face of neighborhood healthcare with “lights on, doors open” every step of the way.

New NACDS Report Tells Story of Pharmacies’ Continued and Pivotal Role in Serving Patients During Health Emergencies and Every Day The third in a series of reports shows how valuable experiences and lessons learned during the COVID pandemic response can help inform policy decisions and future pandemic planning and preparedness

2021-12-01T12:11:54-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , , |

The third in a series of reports shows how valuable experiences and lessons learned during the COVID pandemic response can help inform policy decisions and future pandemic planning and preparedness.

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