Giving Back to Those Who Gave All for Freedom

2016-06-02T09:49:58-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

Veterans from World War II and the Korean War visiting Washington, D.C. last year as part of Brookshire Grocery Co.’s annual Heroes Flight program, which has brought more than 330 veterans to D.C. to honor their service in commemoration of Memorial Day.

Last week, NACDS President & CEO Steven Anderson, IOM, CAE, asked NACDS members in CEO Issue Update to share what they do to “remember and honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation” in commemoration of Memorial Day. Brookshire Grocery Co. (BGC) responded that this year marks the 12th annual Heroes Flight to Washington, D.C., for seven veterans of World War II and 24 Korean War veterans. BGC provides Heroes Flight to selected veterans at no cost to them so they can visit memorials in the nation’s capital, several of which were erected in their honor. Several BGC employees accompanied the veterans on their journey.

This year, the group visited the World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War memorials on the National Mall, and were led on a tour of the Capitol by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX). The veterans also got to participate in the Changing of the Guard ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery and visited the U.S. Marines, Navy and Airforce memorials, in addition to other landmarks. BGC began the program in 2010 and since then more than 330 veterans from Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas have participated in the trips.

Veterans are a part of all our lives and it is imperative to remember and acknowledge the sacrifices they made to keep our country safe—and free. Veterans often serve without asking for anything in return, which makes this YouTube video of last year’s Heroes Flight so touching. One veteran modestly recounts the actions his team took that led to each of them receiving medals for bravery, and another recalls the loss of his brother in World War II, a painful reminder of the ultimate cost of war.

Members of the veterans’ communities gathered at Love Field in Dallas to send the veterans off on their journey to D.C. on May 30, and welcomed them home yesterday—smiling, applauding and expressing gratitude for [ READ MORE ]

Remembering the Fallen on Memorial Day

2016-05-26T20:35:08-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: |

Memorial Day is a time to remember those who have sacrificed their lives for our country. NACDS’ offices in Rosslyn, Virginia, are located less than a half-mile from the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial—the iconic representation of the raising of the American flag at Iwo Jima—which overlooks the 624-acre Arlington National Cemetery. (Photo: iStock)

NACDS Advocate Honored with Prestigious Award

2016-05-04T15:09:36-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

A member of NACDS’ advocacy base, former Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), was honored with the Bryce Harlow Business Government Relations Award on April 27. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) praised Lincoln in his introductory comments, and the video tributes to her at the ceremony included congratulatory remarks from former President Bill Clinton, a fellow Arkansan.

The award is given annually to an advocacy leader, recognizing an exemplary career in government affairs.

The award is given annually to an advocacy leader in recognition of an exemplary career in government affairs. Lincoln served 16 years in Congress, where she cemented a reputation as a bipartisan national leader with significant healthcare expertise. She has been a consistent champion on pharmacy issues, including the Medicaid reimbursement issue.

Lincoln serves as founder and principal of Lincoln Policy Group, a government affairs consulting firm representing NACDS—along with the McGrath Group and the American Continental Group—providing a strong presence on Capitol Hill on the issues most important to NACDS members.

Tim Hayes Receives Chain Pharmacy’s Highest Honor at NACDS Annual Meeting Tim Hayes of Bayer Consumer Health receives Robert B. Begley Award

2016-04-19T10:58:33-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

Palm Beach, Fla. – An extremely successful National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) Annual Meeting culminated with the presentation of the Robert B. Begley award to Tim Hayes, former president of Bayer Consumer Health.

As much as your business accomplishments, the Begley award recognizes your personality, leadership style, wit, kindness and winning spirit.

Hayes has been with the company for nearly 25 years – including 15 years as president of Bayer Consumer Health. Throughout his career, he has held positions of increasing responsibility in sales, business development, mergers and acquisition and strategic business management.

In presenting the award to Hayes, newly-elected NACDS Chairman of the Board Martin Otto, chief merchant and chief financial officer of H-E-B, quoted Hayes’ successor, Erica Mann, president of Bayer Consumer Health, on her reaction to hearing the news of her colleague’s award: “There are a few, very special times when you receive news that makes you stand up and cheer… because it is so good and so right.

“As much as your business accomplishments, the Begley award recognizes your personality, leadership style, wit, kindness and winning spirit. And this is why no one deserves the honor more than you do.”

The Robert B. Begley Award—established in 1980—is named in memory of former NACDS Chairman of the Board Robert B. Begley and honors an individual who possesses qualities of great personal warmth, generous spirit and longtime service to the industry.

Hayes was recognized by his colleagues, friends and family at the NACDS Annual Meeting dinner and awards ceremony tonight.

NACDS Chairman Martin Otto Highlights NACDS’ Value to Members and to Nation’s Health and Wellness In inaugural remarks, Otto thanks chain and associate members for making NACDS strong

2016-04-19T10:50:52-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

Palm Beach, Fla. – In his first remarks as chairman of the Board of the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS), Martin Otto, chief merchant and chief financial officer of H-E-B, recognized the contributions of NACDS chain and associate members in improving health and wellness in communities nationwide, and in building the value that diverse members derive from their engagement in NACDS.

There are a lot of structural issues in the healthcare system and my hope is that through NACDS we can be part of the solution.

Otto’s remarks were part of a morning Business Program, which also featured remarks by General Martin Dempsey, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Otto credited the strong engagement of NACDS’ chain and supplier members, and of NACDS’ Board of Directors and staff team, for the Association’s success. In describing his interest in becoming increasingly involved in NACDS, Otto said, “It’s a very well run organization and that really matters to me. Also, as was the case with [past NACDS Chairman and Hy-Vee, Inc. Chairman, CEO and President] Randy Edeker, the health and wellness pieces are occupying a greater portion of the energy of our team, and NACDS is the right organization for us to be actively involved in.”

He reinforced key NACDS priorities, including creating a “retailer-supplier marketplace,” advocating on behalf of the industry, and helping to improve the healthcare delivery system.

“I generally hear that NACDS’ meetings are the best in the industry partly because everyone comes to the meetings, and the reason everyone comes to the meetings is that they’re the best in the industry,” Otto said. “It’s also a role of our Association to be a leader in improving healthcare in our country. We need to lead in quality, cost and access.”

Regarding the effort to help improve health and wellness, he described several “interconnected issues” that demand attention and that create opportunities for NACDS members to make a difference. These issues include opportunities to improve the public’s health knowledge and behavior; to improve patients’ access and time with healthcare providers; and to address structural issues such as misaligned provider incentives and obstacles to e-prescribing and electronic health records.

“There are a lot [ READ MORE ]

NACDS Elects 2016-2017 Officers, New Board, Executive Committee Members

2016-04-18T10:08:11-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

Palm Beach, Fla. – During its Annual Meeting, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) elected new officers, two new Executive Committee members and six new Board of Directors members for the coming year.

Martin [Otto] has generously and energetically contributed his leadership to NACDS as a member of the Board and as an officer…

Martin Otto, chief merchant & chief financial officer of H-E-B, will serve as the new NACDS chairman of the Board of Directors, succeeding Randy Edeker, chairman, CEO and president of Hy-Vee, Inc.

In addition, Alex Gourlay, president of Walgreen Co., was elected NACDS vice chairman, and Mark Panzer, senior vice president of pharmacy, health and wellness of Albertsons Companies, was elected NACDS treasurer. Each officer will serve a one-year term.

“It is a pleasure to welcome Martin as chairman of the NACDS Board of Directors,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. “Martin has generously and energetically contributed his leadership to NACDS as a member of the Board and as an officer, and the entire H-E-B team has a legacy of strong engagement in all facets of NACDS’ work.”

The NACDS Board also elected the following new Executive Committee members: Carmen Bauza, senior vice president and general merchandise manager at Walmart andMark Panzer, senior vice president of pharmacy, health and wellness with Albertsons Companies.

Six new Board of Directors members were also elected to serve three-year terms: Rick Keyes, president at Meijer, Inc.; Chris Lane, senior vice president at Wakefern Food Corp./ShopRite; Andre Persaud, executive vice president of retail at Shopko Stores Operating Co., LLC; George Riedl, senior vice president, president Walmart Health and Wellness; David Vucurevich, chief operating officer at Genoa, a Qol Healthcare Company.

The 26 members of the NACDS Board of Directors develop NACDS’ policies and priorities.

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