NACDS Welcomes HHS-OIG Final Rule That Allows Medicare, Medicaid Patients to Access Pharmacy Reward Programs

2016-12-14T13:33:09-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Arlington, Va. – The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) is welcoming a final rule issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) that will allow pharmacies greater flexibility to extend their popular reward and loyalty programs to beneficiaries in government programs, including Medicare and Medicaid.

This is a very positive step forward for pharmacy patient care, and a further recognition by a government agency of the tremendous value of pharmacies as the face of neighborhood healthcare and of the expanded innovative programs that pharmacies provide.

The final rule reflects OIG’s acceptance of several of NACDS’ suggestions for important improvements to the final rules. NACDS had submitted formal comments to OIG during the development of the rule to express strong support for it in concept and to convey revisions that would be necessary for the rule’s workability.

“NACDS advocated for this rule, and worked constructively to help enhance it, because it will allow government program beneficiaries to enjoy access to programs voluntarily implemented by pharmacies which reduce healthcare costs, improve quality, and promote patient health,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. “This is a very positive step forward for pharmacy patient care, and a further recognition by a government agency of the tremendous value of pharmacies as the face of neighborhood healthcare and of the expanded innovative programs that pharmacies provide.”

Federal laws have blocked participation by government-program beneficiaries in these initiatives offered by pharmacies, even though these initiatives have been enjoyed by other patients for many years. Programs vary in their specific designs. They often include cost-savings or other rewards for filling prescriptions or engaging in other health-promotion programs, such as health screenings or strategies designed to enhance medication adherence – or taking medications as prescribed.

“Pharmacy programs affected by the proposed rule reduce healthcare costs, both for individual patients and for the healthcare system as a whole. At the same time, these pharmacy programs promote access to prescribed medications that are essential to maintaining patient health and wellness,” NACDS explained in its comments submitted during the regulatory process.

“Failure to take medications [ READ MORE ]

NACDS Supports Legislation to Advance Better Care for Patients Legislation will “promote accountability and better care management for chronically ill patients”

2016-04-14T09:42:37-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: |

Arlington, Va. – Bipartisan legislation introduced in the House of Representatives to advance better care for Medicare patients with chronic conditions received support from NACDS in letters to Reps. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) and Peter Welch (D-VT). The congressmen are the original sponsors of the Better Care, Lower Cost Act (H.R. 4878), which would amend the Social Security Act to establish a Medicare Better Care Program (BCP) to provide integrated medical care for patients with chronic conditions. We are happy that the effectiveness of pharmacists in delivering patient care is resonating with policymakers.

“Your legislation will promote accountability and better care management for chronically ill patients and provide coordinated services under Parts A, B and D, while recognizing that pharmacists and pharmacy services have great potential to improve care for patients with chronic health conditions,” NACDS said in the letter.

BCPs provide a coordinated care approach for patients with chronic conditions to help them manage their health.

NACDS’ letter noted pharmacists’ ability to improve access to quality care, to improve patient health, and to make healthcare more affordable.

“As the demand for healthcare services continues to grow, pharmacists have expanded their role in healthcare delivery, partnering with physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers to meet their patients’ needs. By providing services that allow patients to take their medications more effectively and by providing preventive services, pharmacists help patients avoid more costly forms of care down the line,” NACDS wrote.

“We are happy that the effectiveness of pharmacists in delivering patient care is resonating with policymakers,” NACDS concluded in the letter.

NACDS Takes Policy Priorities to Governors of All 50 States Urges pro-patient, pro-pharmacy agenda amid any changes to ACA, Medicare, Medicaid

2015-12-21T12:55:38-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , |

Arlington, Va. – The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) has sent a letter to the governors of all 50 states, urging pharmacy patient care as a top priority in any changes to healthcare policy in 2017 and beyond. The most recent letters continue NACDS’ pro-patient, pro-pharmacy drumbeat to federal and state government decision-makers as healthcare policy seems to be approaching a major crossroads in the coming months.

As you engage with the incoming Trump Administration and prepare for the upcoming 115th Congress and potential healthcare reforms, we ask that you consider the value of community pharmacy in your efforts to provide improved quality of care at lower overall healthcare costs.

“As you engage with the incoming Trump Administration and prepare for the upcoming 115th Congress and potential healthcare reforms, we ask that you consider the value of community pharmacy in your efforts to provide improved quality of care at lower overall healthcare costs,” NACDS wrote.

“Particularly with respect to healthcare markets and state Medicaid programs, policies that reduce local pharmacy access lead to poorer health outcomes, ultimately resulting in increased future healthcare costs. We believe you should consider policy proposals that, at a minimum, ensure that beneficiary access to community pharmacies is protected. Moreover, as you consider options to improve overall healthcare delivery, we remind you that community pharmacies are fully equipped to provide better care at a lower cost and stand ready to assist. We hope that you will let the incoming Administration and Congress know of the importance of protecting pharmacy services in Medicaid and Medicare as they consider healthcare reform proposals.”

NACDS noted a National Governors Association report, titled “The Expanding Role of Pharmacists in a Transformed Health Care System,” that described opportunities for pharmacists to help improve healthcare through an expansion of their role in collaborating with physicians and other healthcare providers to meet patients’ needs.

To capitalize on these opportunities, NACDS urged enhancements to pharmacists’ scope of practice and the importance of federal legislation – the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act – that would improve access for to pharmacist-provided services in Medicare. NACDS also urged proper implementation of the pharmacy Medicaid reimbursement provisions of [ READ MORE ]

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