NACDS RxIMPACT Announces 2024 Grassroots Awards
This year’s event convened more than 300 pharmacy advocates and NACDS members from all 50 states, including students and faculty from nearly 60 colleges and schools of pharmacy.
This year’s event convened more than 300 pharmacy advocates and NACDS members from all 50 states, including students and faculty from nearly 60 colleges and schools of pharmacy.
The March 14 Capitol Hill press conference displayed bipartisan commitment and pharmacy unity to advance PBM reforms in Medicare and Medicaid.
On March 14, 2024, Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-ID) were cheered on at a Capitol Hill press conference by pharmacists and pharmacy leaders from across the nation as the Senators committed to continuing to push for swift enactment of bipartisan PBM reforms.
More than 300 pharmacy advocates arrive this week to urge Members of Congress to act on legislative priorities that benefit Americans and the pharmacies on which they rely.
NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson issued a statement in advance of President Biden’s speech.
NACDS: Pharmacies across the country have been significantly impacted by the disruption caused by the cyberattack on Change Healthcare, and pharmacies have continued to work tirelessly to mitigate delays and interruptions for their patients
“It is imperative that Congress enact these reforms soon in the 118th Congress. We stand ready to support that effort because if ever there were must-pass legislation, PBM reforms in Medicare and Medicaid are it.”
NACDS letter to President Biden urges Executive Branch action and support of immediate Congressional action on PBM reforms; comes in advance of White House listening session on reforms to address harmful PBM tactics.
"We appreciate the leadership and hard work that have gone into the many bipartisan PBM reform legislative efforts this congress. We reiterate that these reforms are needed without delay."
“Americans deserve and expect protection from inflated prescription drug costs, from forced pharmacy closures, and from barriers to their pharmacy of choice that result from PBM tactics”