HHS Advisory Opinion Further Supports Pharmacist-Provided COVID-19 Testing: Federal Action Preempts State, Local Policies NACDS requested clarity on this key issue as pharmacies and pharmacists continue to ramp up testing to protect public health and reopen America

2020-05-20T12:26:11-04:00Categories: Article, Press Release|Tags: , , |

NACDS requested clarity on this key issue as pharmacies and pharmacists continue to ramp up testing to protect public health and reopen America.

NACDS Applauds Trump Administration Decision to Approve Pharmacist-Provided COVID-19 Testing NACDS – representing 40,000 pharmacies with 155,000 pharmacists – has urged removing major barrier to patient testing by empowering the most accessible healthcare professionals

2020-04-08T17:40:47-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

NACDS – representing 40,000 pharmacies with 155,000 pharmacists – has urged removing major barrier to patient testing by empowering the most accessible healthcare professionals

Pharmacies Welcome Trump Administration Call to Governors for Steps to Empower Health Professionals – Urge Removal of More Barriers Now NACDS’ Anderson: “Our nation will not be able to fully ‘bend the curve,’ nor re-launch the economy, without unleashing pharmacies and pharmacists”

2020-03-25T23:40:48-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

NACDS’ Anderson: “Our nation will not be able to fully ‘bend the curve,’ nor re-launch the economy, without unleashing pharmacies and pharmacists”

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