NACDS Applauds Biden Administration’s Move to Expand Access to Adult Flu Vaccines, Empower Pharmacies to Plan Ahead for Critical Flu Vaccination Season HHS announcement: “The [PREP Act] amendment expands the authorization for qualified pharmacy technicians and interns to administer seasonal influenza vaccines under the supervision of a pharmacist to persons aged 19 and older consistent with ACIP recommendations”

2021-08-04T14:23:38-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

HHS announcement: “The [PREP Act] amendment expands the authorization for qualified pharmacy technicians and interns to administer seasonal influenza vaccines under the supervision of a pharmacist to persons aged 19 and older consistent with ACIP recommendations”.

NACDS Says HHS’ Alignment of Training Requirements Will Enhance Patients’ Access to Vaccinations in Pharmacies Federal, state inconsistencies had created barriers to eventual COVID-19 vaccinations and to existing vaccinations by pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy interns

2020-12-04T12:48:03-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

Federal, state inconsistencies had created barriers to eventual COVID-19 vaccinations and to existing vaccinations by pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy interns.

NACDS Lauds Preparedness and Dedication of Diverse Pharmacies, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Teams Upon HHS’ Announcement about Their Role in COVID-19 Vaccinations

2020-11-13T09:34:47-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson issued the following statement, upon the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ announcement about national and regional chain pharmacies’ and independent pharmacies’ role in increasing access to future COVID-19 vaccinations:

NACDS Welcomes HHS Decision to Enhance Patients’ Access to COVID-19 Vaccinations, Other Vaccinations and COVID-19 Tests with Wise Use of Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacy Interns “The trust and accessibility of pharmacies are essential to public health preparedness and this is another important decision that will help to reach more Americans more efficiently”

2020-10-21T15:36:20-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

“The trust and accessibility of pharmacies are essential to public health preparedness and this is another important decision that will help to reach more Americans more efficiently”.

NACDS Lauds HHS Report Recognizing Pharmacy’s Role in Advancing Hypertension Control Surgeon General’s Call to Action report says community pharmacies are “in a central position to offer hypertension education and link to clinical care teams”

2020-10-08T14:47:21-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

The report outlines three goals: 1) Make hypertension control a priority; 2) Ensure that the places where people live, learn, work and play support hypertension control; and 3) Optimize patient care for hypertension control.

NACDS Welcomes HHS Decision to Empower Pharmacists to Administer Safe and Effective COVID-19 Vaccinations National pharmacy group with 40,000 traditional, supermarket and mass retail pharmacies and 155,000 pharmacists: “This is an extremely important decision. When safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations are available, it will be essential to have pharmacies and pharmacists prepared to be ‘ready, set, go.’”

2020-09-09T14:25:18-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

National pharmacy group with 40,000 traditional, supermarket and mass retail pharmacies and 155,000 pharmacists: “This is an extremely important decision. When safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations are available, it will be essential to have pharmacies and pharmacists prepared to be ‘ready, set, go.’”.

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