NACDS Urges Biden Administration to Address “Important Missed Step” to Maintain Preparedness Against “Tripledemic” Sustaining PREP Act pharmacy flexibilities through October 2024 will help keep patients and pharmacies from having to “guess” about issues related to pharmacy access

2022-10-27T14:20:45-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , |

Sustaining PREP Act pharmacy flexibilities through October 2024 will help keep patients and pharmacies from having to “guess” about issues related to pharmacy access.

NACDS and 93 Other Patient, Public Health, and Pharmacy Groups Urge Continued Access to Pandemic-Related Services at Pharmacies Letter to Biden Administration requests that PREP Act authorities remain in place through Oct. 1, 2024

2022-06-07T16:42:10-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

On Tuesday, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) and 93 other patient, public health, and state and national pharmacy groups signed a letter to the Biden Administration urging “formal clarification from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on potential expiration of pharmacy personnel flexibilities granted during the pandemic.”

NACDS Expresses Support for “Vaccines Federal Implementation Plan,” Offers Recommendations to Further Foster Equity and Support Patients’ Access to Vaccinations Plan reflects NACDS’ comments from 2019 as well as lessons and recommendations from the COVID-19 pandemic

2022-03-31T10:34:45-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , |

Plan reflects NACDS’ comments from 2019 as well as lessons and recommendations from the COVID-19 pandemic.

NACDS Releases Poll: 70% of Adults Back Extension of Policies Giving Access to Pharmacies’ Pandemic Services NACDS urges Biden Administration to ensure clarity or to act decisively to extend PREP Act authorities that have served Americans well, and that Americans do not want to see rolled back

2022-03-11T10:55:06-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , |

NACDS urges Biden Administration to ensure clarity or to act decisively to extend PREP Act authorities that have served Americans well, and that Americans do not want to see rolled back.

New NACDS Report Tells Story of Pharmacies’ Continued and Pivotal Role in Serving Patients During Health Emergencies and Every Day The third in a series of reports shows how valuable experiences and lessons learned during the COVID pandemic response can help inform policy decisions and future pandemic planning and preparedness

2021-12-01T12:11:54-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , , |

The third in a series of reports shows how valuable experiences and lessons learned during the COVID pandemic response can help inform policy decisions and future pandemic planning and preparedness.

NACDS Welcomes Biden Administration’s Announcement of Operational Planning for COVID Vaccinations for Kids Ages 5-11 Appreciates the recognition of pharmacies’ need to plan ahead to be ready should the FDA and CDC authorize COVID shots for this age group

2021-10-20T16:09:23-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , , |

Appreciates the recognition of pharmacies’ need to plan ahead to be ready should the FDA and CDC authorize COVID shots for this age group.

In Case You Missed It: NACDS Issues Recommendations on COVID Vaccine Boosters

2021-08-26T16:34:24-04:00Categories: In Case You Missed It|Tags: , , , |

“We thank the Biden Administration for their collaborative approach and partnership throughout the ongoing vaccination effort, and we appreciate the opportunity to provide critical recommendations and comments that come directly from NACDS member pharmacies’ front-line experience in the COVID vaccination campaign."

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