NACDS Working Alongside March of Dimes #BlanketChange Movement for Healthcare Equity, Access and Prevention

2020-09-23T11:01:27-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

NACDS has aligned with the March of Dimes’ 2020 #BlanketChange campaign, launched today to improve the health and wellness of moms and babies through improved healthcare equity, access and prevention.  

The campaign will raise awareness of tragedies such as the finding that Black women are three times more likely than white women to die from pregnancy-related causes nationwide. It will translate awareness into action on policies focused on: 

  • Equity: eliminating racial and ethnic health disparities and driving economic, social and health equity by focusing on prevention, treatment and social determinants of health; 
  • Access: improving access to care through expanding critical health programs and closing gaps in coverage; 
  • Prevention: addressing preventable health conditions through expanding research and improving maternal morbidity and mortality data collection. 

Pharmacists and pharmacies are among the most trusted and accessible healthcare destinations and play a vital role in addressing the needs of those who have suffered from disparities in care. NACDS strongly appreciates and supports the work of March of Dimes to bring these important needs to light,” said NACDS President & CEO Steven C. Anderson. 

NACDS’ alignment with the March of Dimes’ #BlanketChange initiative complements its ongoing focus on healthcare disparities and the social determinants of health. Most recently, NACDS has advanced these issues through its flu-vaccination communications campaign, its advocacy on COVID-19 issues, and its commitment to social justice issues.  

NACDS also has engaged with thought leaders, advocates and government agencies such as the World Health Care Congress, the American Public Health Association, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Patients, Consumers, the Underserved, Healthcare Providers and Public Health Call on Congress to Fix a Missing Link So Pharmacies Can Ramp Up COVID Testing and Prepare for Vaccinations Patient groups urging action in next COVID bill represent 200 million Americans living with cancer, cardiovascular disease, HIV, mental health issues, liver disease, lupus and other conditions

2020-08-06T14:58:55-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

Patient groups urging action in next COVID bill represent 200 million Americans living with cancer, cardiovascular disease, HIV, mental health issues, liver disease, lupus and other conditions.

Federal Policymaking Can Help Pharmacies Ensure Access to Essential Care Amid COVID-19, NACDS Says Letter to Congress, Administration urges immediate steps “to further optimize the critical role pharmacy plays in helping to respond to this national emergency”

2020-03-17T11:39:24-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Letter to Congress, Administration urges immediate steps “to further optimize the critical role pharmacy plays in helping to respond to this national emergency”

NACDS Op-ed in Morning Consult: DIR Fees “as Damaging to Patients and Pharmacies as Advertised” Congressional action urged as Drug Channels Institute analysis shows fees “have grown faster than most people realize” and reached a record $9.1 billion in 2019

2020-02-26T12:52:02-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

NACDS' opinion piece cites a Drug Channels Institute analysis that DIR fees “have grown faster than most people realize” and reached a record $9.1 billion in 2019.

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