NACDS: Pharmacies’ Trust, Access and Equity Inform Congress’ Response to COVID-19 U.S. House Energy and Commerce subcommittee to hold hearing on pandemic’s lessons
U.S. House Energy and Commerce subcommittee to hold hearing on pandemic’s lessons.
U.S. House Energy and Commerce subcommittee to hold hearing on pandemic’s lessons.
NACDS RxIMPACT Votes begins a 36-week push to Election 2022.
INFORM Consumers Act would curb flow of stolen and counterfeit merchandise, help protect consumers and retailers from organized retail crime.
NACDS invites members to help amplify the message on NACDS’ Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn with a “like,” share” or “retweet.”
Legislation would help reduce drug abuse and misuse by continuing to advance electronic prescribing.
NACDS is hailing an important milestone for the INFORM Consumers Act (H.R. 5502) – passage by the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee.
NACDS today said that omitting pharmacy direct and indirect remuneration (DIR) fee reforms from the Build Back Better Act budget reconciliation bill will deprive Medicare beneficiaries of between $7.1 and $9.2 billion over 10 years in reduced cost-sharing for prescription drugs, according to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) estimates.
249 organizations sign letter urging Congress to reduce senior drug costs by addressing backdoor pharmacy price concessions.
Pharmacies and pharmacists continue to play a vital role in getting shots to arms and urging those individuals who have not yet received a COVID-19 vaccine to roll up their sleeves and get vaccinated.
On May 19, NACDS submitted a statement to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance for a hearing entitled, “COVID-19 Health Care Flexibilities: Perspectives, Experiences, and Lessons Learned.”