Published On: February 2, 2016153 words0.9 min readCategories: ArticleTags:

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Last night’s Iowa caucuses mark the beginning of voters flexing their civic muscle–and pharmacy was there to represent.

What gives pharmacy its muscle is engaging in elections…

Proof positive pharmacy is full force? NACDS Director of Grassroots and Advocacy Heidi Ecker flew into blizzard conditions in Iowa last night in order to host two NACDS RxIMPACT trainings at Drake University College of Pharmacy today that will teach students how to effectively use grassroots advocacy to influence the policymaking process. What gives pharmacy its muscle is engaging in elections–and being a part of the policymaking process.

Understanding the connection between elections and resulting pharmacy laws is critically important to pharmacy. Beyond the White House, Iowa will elect one U.S. Senator, four U.S. Representatives, 24 of 50 State Senators and all 100 State Representatives.

Use the NACDS RxIMPACT Votes online resource for information on registering to vote, volunteering for a campaign and voting on Election Day.