National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) President and CEO Steven C. Anderson released the following statement today after a U.S. Senate Finance Committee markup on a legislative package containing significant PBM reforms in Medicare and Medicaid:
“NACDS applauds the Senate Finance Committee for advancing this legislation on a strong bipartisan vote of 26-0, with one ‘present.’ Further, we commend Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-ID) for their leadership in confronting PBM middlemen’s ‘pharmaceutical benefit manipulation’ — in its many forms.
“Make no mistake: Real PBM reform at the federal level must protect Americans on Medicare and Medicaid and their pharmacies. We urge the U.S. Senate and House leadership to enact real PBM reform this year, so that the most vulnerable Americans maintain access to all pharmacies on which they rely. It is time to capitalize on this historic and bipartisan momentum, and not to allow PBMs to complicate and derail the legislation and the process.
“NACDS looks forward to continuing to work with the Committee and with the U.S. Congress to ensure the effectiveness of this legislation in achieving their well-focused intent.”
NACDS released a statement on Tuesday, November 7, in advance of the Committee markup.
Additionally, NACDS currently is advertising on the vital theme of “real reform.”