NACDS continues to urge the 118th Congress to finish the job on bipartisan PBM reform before year’s end.
In a post-election statement on Wednesday, Nov. 6, NACDS called on Congress to act without delay and enact “the reforms that will reduce Americans’ prescription drug costs, protect access to necessary medications and to pharmacies of choice, give pharmacies a chance against underhanded PBM tactics, and preserve the vitality of entire communities.”
On Wednesday, Nov. 20, NACDS sent a “sponsored content release” to recipients of the Morning Consult Politics newsletter. The content release underscores the fact that most registered voters are looking to their members of Congress to produce a PBM reform law in 2024. Morning Consult’s Politics Newsletter engages an audience of 18,000 including leaders in the U.S. Congress and federal agencies, and in the media.
View the content release in its entirety.