NACDS – representing 40,000 traditional, grocery store and mass retailer pharmacies with 155,000 pharmacists – is taking to the airwaves to thank member companies’ team members and to urge the removal of remaining federal and state barriers so pharmacies can engage fully in responding to COVID-19 and in helping to reopen states and the nation.
NACDS has participated in 39 broadcast interviews over the past two weeks that will reach hundreds of television and radio stations nationwide. NACDS has interviewed with shows on FOX News Channel and FOX Business; with Cox Media Group, which operates 20 TV stations; with FOX NewsEdge TV, which serves more than 170 newsrooms; and with 20 local ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and Univision television stations. NACDS also has interviewed with nine radio stations, and with national programs that reach more than 300 stations. NACDS is posting clips on NACDS.org as they become available.
“When we go on air we are expressing appreciation for the pharmacists, pharmacy team members and the dedicated individuals throughout the store who are serving their customers and communities heroically. We also are discussing the Trump Administration’s move to build on COVID-19 testing to date and to empower pharmacists to ramp up testing further. We are urging the removal of any remaining barriers, including those in some states, to pharmacist-provided COVID-19 testing,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE.
“We also are looking ahead to the critical need to allow pharmacists to provide COVID-19 vaccinations when developed. There is a community pharmacy within five miles of 91 percent of Americans, and pharmacists are highly educated as they graduate with a doctor of pharmacy degree. We need to continue to remove government barriers so pharmacies and pharmacists can be fully prepared to help patients and to help open states and the nation.”