Published On: November 13, 2015319 words1.8 min readCategories: PhotoTags:

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NACDS’ Chief Lobbyist Carol Kelly is cited as ‘One of Nation’s Top Five’ in a CQ Roll Call article. Kelly is a finalist for an Excellence in Advocacy Award from the Professional Women in Advocacy Conference.

NACDS Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and Public Policy Carol Kelly is profiled this week in an article—“Advocacy Tips From 5 of the Nation’s Best”—by CQ Roll Call leading up to an awards ceremony where Kelly is a finalist for an Excellence in Advocacy Award from the Professional Women in Advocacy Conference. The winners will be announced at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., on November 16.

Kelly has led advocacy efforts that have allowed pharmacists to administer vaccinations in all 50 states, and for electronic prescriptions to be legal nationwide…

Kelly is nominated in the “Veteran Advocate” category for her lifelong commitment to advancing healthcare issues in the best interest of patients and America’s healthcare system. Kelly has led advocacy efforts that have allowed pharmacists to administer vaccinations in all 50 states, and for electronic prescriptions to be legal nationwide, which allows patients to access their medications more easily and helps to prevent drug abuse.

In reflecting on her career in the article, Kelly emphasized the importance of being prepared and truthful. She said, “Know your topic and your audience. Be honest with the people you’re dealing with.” She also noted the epic changes that have occurred in the advocacy field since she began her career. She said, “With social media, grassroots, political action committee activities, and communications strategies, the whole nature of advocacy has changed.” Kelly ended on a philosophical note, wishing that she had “enjoyed the journey more along the way and been in less of a hurry.”

Ironically, her expeditious nature is likely what led to such a successful and notable career—she didn’t wait to affect change; she made change happen in real time.