One month ago, NACDS RxIMPACT said it would push for congressional pharmacy tours with only 25 in-district workdays left in July and August — and it did just that. In that short period of time the pharmacy community hosted a wildly-impressive 60 pharmacy tours to promote pro-patient, pro-pharmacy policy priorities to Members of Congress and their staff via the NACDS RxIMPACT Pharmacy Tour Program.
To date, the community has hosted 83 in-district activities in 36 states. Although tours were equally and widely promoted across all parties, 67% of congressional pharmacy tours were hosted with Republicans and 33% were hosted with Democrats. Across all tours, 85% were hosted with the Member of Congress. Beyond advocating community PREP Act priorities and DIR reform, these tours promoted important legislation like The Equitable Community Access to Pharmacist Services Act. For example, the community hosted tours with nearly half of all Members of Congress ultimately signing on in support of H.R. 7213.

“Thank you, National Association of Chain Drug Stores and Food City, for all your support of healthcare providers and for hosting me today! As a licensed pharmacist for over 30 years, I’m committed to fighting for lower drug costs without hurting vital innovation we need to produce cures and life-saving medications here at home.”
— H.R. 7213 supporter U.S. Representative Diana Harshbarger (R-TN) Facebook posting about a September 8 Kingsport, TN Food City Pharmacy tour.
Although the NACDS RxIMPACT photo album of tour pictures can be seen anytime, click on the below links to see just a sampling of how these recent tours were showcased in congressional newsletters and on social media platforms.
NACDS member pharmacies and pharmacy teams are demonstrating tremendous leadership by hosting members of Congress for pharmacy tours as part of the NACDS RxIMPACT grassroots advocacy program. To learn more about pharmacy tour opportunities, please contact Heidi Ecker, Vice President of Government, Political, & Digital Engagement via email at