NACDS, WSPA, NCPA Sue Washington State to Stop Unlawful Medicaid Rule That Threatens Patient Care In violation of law, state plan would reimburse pharmacies below the actual cost of dispensing prescriptions to Medicaid patients

2017-03-30T16:05:21-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Olympia, WA – The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS), the Washington State Pharmacy Association (WSPA), and the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) today sued the State of Washington to stop a “substantively and procedurally flawed” rule that would pay pharmacies below the actual cost to dispense Medicaid prescriptions. The rule would jeopardize reliable patient access to medications responsible for ensuring patient health and preventing more costly forms of care that result from untreated conditions.

“This Motion seeks to halt further reimbursement cuts until such time as the State properly implements Medicaid reimbursement rates that cover the actual costs that pharmacies incur when they serve Medicaid patients, as required by law,” wrote NACDS, WSPA and NCPA in a Motion filed today in the Superior Court of Washington, Thurston County.

At issue is a rule (WSR 17-07-001) by the Washington State Health Care Authority that changes the basis by which the agency determines pharmacies’ cost of acquiring pharmaceuticals, thus reducing reimbursement to pharmacies for medications dispensed to Medicaid patients. Contrary to a federal rule by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the Washington State rule does not make required adjustments to account for another aspect of pharmacies’ costs– the “professional dispensing fee.”

The professional dispensing fee must cover actual costs to safely fill the prescription such as the pharmacist’s professional services. The current dispensing fee in Washington State is significantly lower than the cost of dispensing identified in studies conducted by other states and experts. For example, an independent study commissioned by NACDS and NCPA found that the cost of dispensing in Washington State is more than double the proposed professional dispensing fee for Medicaid prescriptions in Washington State’s new rule.

In addition to failing to adjust professional dispensing fees, as required by federal law, the State also violated rulemaking procedures. The State informed pharmacies after the formal comment period, and after it issued the final rule, that dispensing fees would not be adjusted. As a result, pharmacy did not have an adequate opportunity to comment on this matter, as required by the State’s Administrative Procedure Act.

“The State’s new rule is both substantively and procedurally [ READ MORE ]

NACDS Conveys Pharmacy “Access Agenda” Themes in The Hill Op-ed describes commitment to patient care, policy solutions and collaboration

2017-03-14T15:06:09-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , , |

Arlington, VA – In a column published in today’s print and online editions of The Hill, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) positioned pharmacy patient care and collaboration across healthcare segments as vital to improving health and wellness nationwide.

The column reflects NACDS’ “Access Agenda” – which reflects pharmacy’s collaborative approach to patient care and to public policy development.

NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE cited as a healthcare-delivery success the broad-based recognition of pharmacy’s vital role in providing vaccines – an evolution that gained momentum following the flu pandemic of 2009. He also noted the strong bipartisan support for the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act (H.R. 592 and S. 109) – legislation that would enhance underserved Medicare patients’ access to state-approved, pharmacist-provided services.

In addition to urging proactive measures, he also noted the importance of doing no harm to pharmacy patient care, urging Congress to preserve pharmacy benefits and pharmacy services in Medicare and Medicaid amid any reviews of current programs.

“In healthcare delivery, as in healthcare policymaking, there is no panacea. However, lessons learned over the past decade – including those related to pharmacists’ enhanced vaccination authority – suggest that seeking improved access for patients through highly educated, trusted and accessible professionals like pharmacists can yield bipartisan accomplishments amid times of need,” Anderson wrote.

“In this way, similar and additional initiatives – fueled by collaboration among various segments of healthcare delivery and by leaders in government – could notch progress toward remedies for patients, as well as for the policymaking and political arenas alike.”

More information about NACDS’ Access Agenda can be found at

Top Political Strategist Karl Rove to Speak at NACDS-PAC Event During NACDS Annual Meeting Called “the greatest political mind of his generation,” iconic pundit to bring insights on current events

2017-03-13T15:26:55-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

Arlington, Va. – The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) today announced that Karl Rove, who served as deputy chief-of-staff to then-President George W. Bush, will speak at the NACDS Political Action Committee (NACDS-PAC) Breakfast during the 2017 NACDS Annual Meeting, which will be held April 22-25 in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Rove served as senior advisor to President George W. Bush from 2000–2007 and as deputy chief-of-staff from 2004–2007. At the White House, he oversaw the Offices of Strategic Initiatives, Political Affairs, Public Liaison, and Intergovernmental Affairs and was deputy chief-of-staff for policy, coordinating the White House policy-making process.

“Those who have met with Karl Rove or have seen him speak in any forum know that he will have something to say that cuts to the heart of the matter, and he will say it in a compelling way,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. “He is the right person to bring unmatched political insights and experience to the discussion of the current political and public policy landscape, and NACDS-PAC Breakfast attendees are going to have a great morning during the NACDS Annual Meeting.”

The bipartisan NACDS-PAC supports Congressional candidates who understand and help to advance pro-pharmacy and pro-patient policies. The NACDS-PAC Breakfast is part of the NACDS Chain Members and PAC Breakfast, during which NACDS-related business is conducted. The event is open to NACDS chain members and to NACDS-PAC contributors.

Before Karl Rove became known as “the architect” of President Bush’s 2000 and 2004 campaigns, he was president of Karl Rove + Company, an Austin-based public affairs firm that worked for Republican candidates, nonpartisan causes and nonprofit groups.

Rove consistently garners positive feedback from a broad media spectrum on his comprehensive political knowledge. Fred Barnes, executive editor of The Weekly Standard, called Rove “the greatest political mind of his generation and probably of any

generation” and said “he knows history, understands the moods of the public, and is a visionary on matters of public policy.” Megan Garber, of the Columbia Journalism Review, said Karl Rove has “focused his punditry on what he knows best: strategy.” In addition, The New York Times noted that “Rove’s substantive contributions may [ READ MORE ]

NACDS Advertisements Magnify “Access Agenda” NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill positions pharmacy as accessible go-to for solutions in public policy, health and wellness

2017-03-10T15:19:53-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , , , |

Arlington, Va. – As more than 400 pharmacy advocates from 47 states meet with more than 90 percent of the U.S. Congress next week, a Washington, D.C. advertising initiative will help to tell their story. The ads state: “Pharmacists provide access to better healthcare every day,” and “we’re here to provide access to health policy solutions.”

The grassroots advocacy event is the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill – now in its ninth year. Print and digital advertising will draw focus to the personalized stories of participating NACDS member company representatives, student pharmacists, state pharmacy association representatives and other allies.

“NACDS will bring our ‘Access Agenda’ to Capitol Hill with the personal insights and experiences of pharmacy team members who serve as the face of neighborhood healthcare,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. “The ads emphasize the point that pharmacy is a go-to source for public policy solutions, just as pharmacy is a go-to source for accessible, quality and affordable health and wellness services.”

“NACDS is setting the tone for even higher levels of collaboration that we are seeking with other segments of the healthcare delivery system, with policymakers and with thought leaders.”

The ads refer viewers to a microsite summarizing policy positions that advocates will take to members of Congress. Among them, NACDS is urging a commitment to the cost-effective prescription drug benefit in Medicaid and in Medicare amid the current discussions of potential changes to the Affordable Care Act. NACDS also is urging enactment of the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act (H.R. 592 and S. 109), to improve healthcare access for medically underserved Medicare patients.

“NACDS is drawing attention to pharmacy’s role in a positive and proactive public dialogue about healthcare issues. For example, in addition to our meetings on Capitol Hill, the NACDS RxIMPACT program welcomes members of Congress for pharmacy tours and other in-district and in-state events, which are incredibly helpful for demonstrating real-life healthcare issues in real-life settings,” Anderson explained.

“NACDS is setting the tone for even higher levels of collaboration that we are seeking with other segments of the healthcare delivery system, with policymakers [ READ MORE ]

NACDS Stands with “Americans for Affordable Products” in Warning Against Border Adjustment Tax Coalition’s letter to Congress blasts “massive tax increase on consumers”

2017-02-28T12:29:35-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

Arlington, VA – The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) has joined with more than 200 members of the Americans for Affordable Products coalition in laying out a strong case to Congress against the perils of the Border Adjustment Tax.

From a health and wellness perspective; from a total-store perspective; from a consumer perspective; from an employee perspective; and from an employer perspective the Border Adjustment Tax would prove devastating and it should be considered a non-starter in the public policy arena.

In a letter to the bipartisan Congressional leadership, the coalition – including NACDS – wrote: “The goal of tax reform should be to lower effective tax rates for businesses of all sizes and ensure Americans benefit with more money in their wallet. We believe the Border Adjustment Tax would do the exact opposite by raising effective tax rates for many companies to well over 100%.

“The Border Adjustment Tax is not simple or fair. It proposes a massive tax increase on consumers and would result in increased costs on everyday necessities like food, clothing, gasoline and prescription drugs – necessities that Americans rely on daily – by as much as $1,700. It is really a ‘cost of living tax’ that will make the lives of millions of middle-class Americans harder and more expensive.”

Companies and associations that are members of Americans for Affordable Products speak for nearly one out of every four jobs in the nation.

“The Border Adjustment Tax would take the term ‘unintended consequences’ and redefine it for the ages,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. “From a health and wellness perspective; from a total-store perspective; from a consumer perspective; from an employee perspective; and from an employer perspective the Border Adjustment Tax would prove devastating and it should be considered a non-starter in the public policy arena.”

For its part, NACDS supports the “Made in the U.S.A.” movement, as demonstrated by the success of programs to call attention to qualifying products at the NACDS Total Store Expo trade show and strategic exchange.

More information about Americans for Affordable Products is available at

NACDS, NFID Webinar to Focus on Latest Guidance on Adult, Childhood, and Teen Vaccinations The March 1 webinar will be available on the NACDS Learner Community site for continuing education credit

2017-02-23T14:36:43-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

Arlington, Va. – The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) is collaborating with the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) on a webinar outlining the latest Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations for adult, childhood, and teen immunizations. ACIP provides recommendations and guidance to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the use of vaccines for effective control of vaccine-preventable diseases in the US. The live webinar will be held March 1, from 12:00-1:00 p.m. EST. The webinar is free of charge; however registration is necessary to participate.

NFID welcomes the opportunity to partner once again with NACDS on this vital shared commitment to advancing preventive care through immunizations. Working together with immunization stakeholders effectively advances efforts to improve patient care and overall health outcomes.

The immunization recommendations to be discussed on the webinar were presented at ACIP’s meeting February 22-23, 2017. It will summarize highlights from the event, which will be beneficial for those who were unable to attend. Initially accredited for physicians by NFID, the webinar will be available to pharmacists as a result of the partnership with NACDS.

One hour of CE credit will be available for this program, which is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). Following the live webinar, pharmacists seeking to claim CE credit should visit the NACDS Learner Community website. The webinar will available on the NACDS and NFID web portals as enduring education.

After the webinar, participants will be able to describe the most recent ACIP recommendations for adult and childhood/adolescent immunizations, explain how recent changes to vaccine recommendations will impact immunization programs, and discuss information on new and future vaccines for potential use in practice.

“NACDS is delighted to once again partner with NFID on promoting the public health benefits of vaccinations. Pharmacists are playing an increasingly important role in healthcare delivery, including vaccinating the public against seasonal influenza and other vaccine-preventable diseases,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. “Together, we can make great strides in reducing preventable illnesses and ensuring healthier communities.”

“NFID welcomes the opportunity to partner [ READ MORE ]

New Records to be Set at 2017 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill Pharmacy advocates to bring proactive “Access Agenda” to Washington, D.C. March 14-15

2017-02-22T14:26:35-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

Arlington, Va. – When pharmacy advocates visit their U.S. Senators and Representatives in Washington, D.C. as part of the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill, they will do so with record levels of participation and with a genuine offer to help advance sound public policy and to improve patients’ access to quality care.

In many ways, accessibility and trust go hand-in-hand, and the accessibility and trust of pharmacies mean they are truly ‘there’ for patients in neighborhoods across the nation.

In its ninth year, NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill will bring together NACDS members, pharmacy students and faculty, state pharmacy association representatives and other advocates on March 14 and 15, 2017.

“With healthcare front-and-center again in the national debate, we look forward to offering a vital ‘Access Agenda,’ authentically conveyed by the very people who make pharmacies the trusted face of neighborhood healthcare,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE.

“The amazing participation will demonstrate pharmacy’s dedication on the front lines of patient care every day, as well as pharmacy’s commitment to engaging in public policy solutions that work for patients, for collaborators throughout the healthcare delivery system, and for the nation.”

During last year’s event, advocates met with 90 percent of House and Senate offices. In 2017, the nearly 400 expected participants will sustain this level of impact, with even stronger participation according to several key measurements:

·        47 states represented – the highest level to date

·        45 colleges and schools of pharmacy represented – the highest level to date

·        33 percent of all NACDS chain member companies represented – the highest level to date

·        54 percent of participants are new recruits.

“We look forward to presenting insights about the cost-effective prescription drug benefit in Medicaid and in Medicare, which are important to keep in mind given the current discussions of potential changes to the Affordable Care Act. We also will discuss the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act (H.R. 592 and S. 109), which would be a positive step forward for improving healthcare access for medically underserved Medicare patients. In addition, advocates will provide their first-hand experiences on other issues that are essential [ READ MORE ]

Pharmacy-Based Solutions to National Uncertainties Emerge as Key Theme at NACDS Regional Chain Conference

2017-02-06T11:02:40-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

Palm Beach, Fla. – At the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) Regional Chain Conference today, the Association’s leadership made the case for pharmacy’s pivotal role in the national dialogue about healthcare, and for NACDS’ essential value in advancing a pro-pharmacy and pro-patient agenda.

Healthcare sectors don’t understand each other’s situations. That’s a prerequisite for collaboration and for development of an end-to-end solution, and to educate legislators and regulators. NACDS is helping to identify these end-to-end solutions, benefiting total healthcare, patients and pharmacy.

The NACDS Regional Chain Conference brings together traditional drug and grocery chains with between four and 250 locations, and their supplier partners who help to meet consumers’ needs in health and wellness and throughout the store.

The following are representative quotes from the this morning’s Opening General Session:

Kristin Williams, senior vice president, chief health officer, Hy-Vee, Inc., NACDS Regional Chain Conference chair:

“This meeting and the topics addressed in the coming days could not be timelier with the current uncertainties in the healthcare industry. Regional chains are well equipped to face these challenges and develop innovative solutions for retail community pharmacy. We deliver personalized care, we adapt to emerging community needs and pilot new products and services in partnership with the suppliers gathered here today.”

Martin Otto, chief merchant and chief financial officer, H-E-B, NACDS chairman of the Board:

“We need to participate by leading public policy solutions for healthcare. We need long-term, end-to-end thinking about healthcare, its connection to other spending needs, and how individual actions affect the overall situation … Healthcare sectors don’t understand each other’s situations. That’s a prerequisite for collaboration and for development of an end-to-end solution, and to educate legislators and regulators. NACDS is helping to identify these end-to-end solutions, benefiting total healthcare, patients and pharmacy.”

Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, NACDS president and CEO:

“Companies and associations are going to have to totally change how they address issues in health policy, and in the political world that elects the leaders that establish the policy in which we are involved. I think associations are going to need to be fleet of foot, flexible, smart, shrewd, astute, [ READ MORE ]

NACDS, University of Pittsburgh Extend Test2Learn Community-Based Pharmacogenomics Certificate Program Well-received community pharmacy certificate program expands national tour to include three new locations in North Carolina, California and Ohio

2017-01-25T16:41:09-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

Arlington, Va. – Building on the positive outcomes and engagement in the initial phase of the Test2LearnTM Community-Based Pharmacogenomics Certificate Program, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS), in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, today announced plans to expand the national tour to three new locations: Duke University in Durham, N.C., Chapman University’s School of Pharmacy located in Irvine, Calif., and The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

We are providing community pharmacy with an education program that trains pharmacists to improve patient outcomes through a more personalized and tailored approach to medicine.

Pharmacogenomics is an emerging field of study that combines pharmacology and genomics to ensure that medications are used in a safe and effective manner based on a person’s genetic makeup. The certificate program is designed to enhance pharmacist skills to help to ensure that the right patient is getting the right medicine at the right dose using genetic test results.

NACDS and the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy adapted Test2LearnTM from an innovative University platform that enables students to learn by using real genetic data in highly-interactive exercises. The certificate program is comprised of online home study modules and in-person live components, including an optional activity for learners to undergo personal genomic testing. In addition to the in-person aspect of the program, pharmacist participants will also learn how to administer the training to others during the “train-the-trainer” component of the course.

“We are providing community pharmacy with an education program that trains pharmacists to improve patient outcomes through a more personalized and tailored approach to medicine,” said NACDS President & CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. “The inaugural Test2LearnTM tour generated a great deal of interest and positive feedback from participants and faculty, so we are delighted to be able to expand the tour to include additional locations in the Midwest, South and on the West Coast.”

Test2LearnTM teaches the principles of pharmacogenomics as well as its practical implications in disease states such as cardiology, oncology, neurology and infectious diseases, among others. It trains pharmacists to decipher genetic tests, translate that information, and make appropriate recommendations for the patient, including clinical decision making, interpretation of [ READ MORE ]

Pharmacist Provider Status Bill Re-Introduced in House NACDS thanks House and Senate champions for commitment to Medicare patients’ access to quality, accessible and affordable care

2017-01-23T08:31:50-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Arlington, Va.The Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act (H.R. 592) was reintroduced on Friday, January 20, with the bipartisan original co-sponsorship of nearly one-quarter of the U.S. House of Representatives. The Senate bill (S. 109) was re-introduced on January 12. The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) strongly backs the legislation.

Pharmacists remain among the most highly trusted professionals. That, combined with their extensive education and accessibility, create tremendous opportunities for patient care.

“NACDS thanks for their leadership Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY), Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC), Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) and Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) – the lead sponsors of the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act in the House,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. “NACDS appreciates all of the 108 Representatives who have signed onto the legislation as original cosponsors. The work already is underway to build on the momentum that was started in the last Congress, to accelerate the campaign to enhance the quality, accessibility and affordability of patient care through pharmacist-provided services.

“NACDS members operate pharmacies in each and every Congressional District, and we look forward to telling their story as the face of neighborhood healthcare. Pharmacy’s story resonates in communities throughout the nation, where pharmacists are relied on heavily and can be leveraged even more for the benefit of Medicare patients.”

The bill would allow underserved Medicare patients to receive certain services from pharmacists, in states in which pharmacists already are permitted to administer the functions. Examples of these services include immunizations; helping seniors manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart conditions and asthma; conducting wellness or prevention testing; and helping seniors take their medications correctly and as prescribed. Nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants currently can provide these services through Medicare.

“Pharmacists remain among the most highly trusted professionals. That, combined with their extensive education and accessibility, create tremendous opportunities for patient care,” Anderson said.

To sit for pharmacy Board licensure exams, candidates must have a Doctor of Pharmacy degree (PharmD), which requires a minimum of six years of professional education. Highly-educated pharmacists are tremendously accessible, with most Americans – 91 percent – living within five miles of a community pharmacy. [ READ MORE ]

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