Federal Policymaking Can Help Pharmacies Ensure Access to Essential Care Amid COVID-19, NACDS Says Letter to Congress, Administration urges immediate steps “to further optimize the critical role pharmacy plays in helping to respond to this national emergency”

2020-03-17T11:39:24-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Letter to Congress, Administration urges immediate steps “to further optimize the critical role pharmacy plays in helping to respond to this national emergency”

NACDS Foundation Collaborates in Major Effort to Advance Medication Management Grant builds on successful value-driven model to improve patient health in collaboration with respected researchers at University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Eshelman School of Pharmacy

2020-03-11T08:13:31-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: |

Grant builds on successful value-driven model to improve patient health in collaboration with respected researchers at University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Eshelman School of Pharmacy

Pharmacy Reimbursement Modernization Needed, Report Says NACDS, NCPA and NASP say patient access and fairness to pharmacies merit the attention of policymakers. Their study shows that pharmacies’ cost of dispensing Medicaid prescriptions exceeds the dispensing fee paid by 46 of 47 states. Of note, this is the first national study to evaluate the costs of dispensing specialty drugs.

2020-03-03T09:45:42-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: |

Pharmacy reimbursement paid by state Medicaid programs requires a fresh look and modernization, according to a new Cost of Dispensing Study commissioned by the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS), the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) and the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP).

NACDS Op-ed in Morning Consult: DIR Fees “as Damaging to Patients and Pharmacies as Advertised” Congressional action urged as Drug Channels Institute analysis shows fees “have grown faster than most people realize” and reached a record $9.1 billion in 2019

2020-02-26T12:52:02-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

NACDS' opinion piece cites a Drug Channels Institute analysis that DIR fees “have grown faster than most people realize” and reached a record $9.1 billion in 2019.

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