Value-Based Healthcare and Pharmacy Go Hand-in-Hand: JMCP Article Authors from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Humana, University of Pittsburgh cite pharmacy value, issue recommendations

2019-10-04T14:12:36-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

In an article in the Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy, authors from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Humana, and the University of Pittsburgh cite pharmacy's value and issue recommendations by which patients can benefit more.

During Pharmacists Month, NACDS Affirms Commitment to Opioid Abuse Prevention and Pain Care NACDS deploying its 30-second message regarding pharmacy’s commitment, and recognizing pharmacists’ dedication, to serve as part of the solution

2019-09-24T13:59:37-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

NACDS is deploying its 30-second message regarding pharmacy’s commitment, and recognizing pharmacists’ dedication, to serve as part of the solution.

Improving Health with Public-Private Partnerships Focus of NACDS, American Public Health Association, CDC Foundation Session Session will assess more opportunities for collaboration and identify replicable healthcare innovations to improve overall patient health outcomes

2019-09-23T14:12:31-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

Session will assess more opportunities for collaboration and identify replicable healthcare innovations to improve overall patient health outcomes

Senate Finance Committee Wages Bipartisan Effort Across Branches of Government to Relieve Patients and Pharmacies from Pharmacy DIR Fees Pharmacy welcomes letter from over 80 percent of Committee members to Trump Administration, urging closure of Medicare regulatory loophole as legislative push continues

2019-09-12T13:01:36-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Pharmacy welcomes letter from over 80 percent of Committee members to Trump Administration, urging closure of Medicare regulatory loophole as legislative push continues

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