NACDS Urges Operation Warp Speed to Prepare Now to Accelerate COVID-19 Vaccinations through Pharmacies National group representing 40,000 pharmacies with 155,000 pharmacists cites federal study: U.S. can vaccinate 80 percent of the nation seven weeks sooner by using pharmacies

2020-06-02T10:59:08-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

National group representing 40,000 pharmacies with 155,000 pharmacists cites federal study: U.S. can vaccinate 80 percent of the nation seven weeks sooner by using pharmacies.

HHS Advisory Opinion Further Supports Pharmacist-Provided COVID-19 Testing: Federal Action Preempts State, Local Policies NACDS requested clarity on this key issue as pharmacies and pharmacists continue to ramp up testing to protect public health and reopen America

2020-05-20T12:26:11-04:00Categories: Article, Press Release|Tags: , , |

NACDS requested clarity on this key issue as pharmacies and pharmacists continue to ramp up testing to protect public health and reopen America.

NACDS Issues New COVID-19 Report on Reopening America National group representing 40,000 pharmacies with 155,000 pharmacists urges federal and state government to take urgent steps for testing, contact tracing, and vaccines/treatments

2020-05-15T07:00:21-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

To reopen the nation successfully and to suppress future COVID-19 outbreaks, NACDS is urging government actions supporting three key objectives that are crucial for the health of all Americans, related to testing, contact tracing and vaccines or treatments.

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