Rep. Buddy Carter Sees Pharmacy at Work During NACDS RxIMPACT Tour

2016-05-05T15:39:40-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: |

Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA, second from right) had an informative, hour-long tour of Genoa, a QoL Healthcare Company, in Savannah, Ga., this week.

In addition to participating in an NACDS RxIMPACT pharmacy tour, Carter also penned an article this week in The Hill supporting provider status legislation. Carter, the only pharmacist serving in Congress, wrote, “In the more than thirty years I have practiced pharmacy, I have witnessed a tremendous evolution in the profession. The clinical foundation and training of a pharmacist graduating today is leaps and bounds above where I started my practice. However, one thing has not changed:  a pharmacists’ role in patient care goes well beyond dispensing medications.”

NACDS Board Member Lynne Fruth, President and Chairman of the Board of Fruth Pharmacy, Hosts Pharmacy Tour for Rep. Evan Jenkins (R-WV)

2016-05-04T15:04:52-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: |

Rep. Evan Jenkins (R-WV, center) participated in an NACDS RxIMPACT pharmacy tour of Fruth Pharmacy and the new Pleasant Valley Clinic in Point Pleasant, W.V., with NACDS Board member Lynne Fruth (second from left), president and chairman of the board of Fruth Pharmacy, and other healthcare community leaders on May 2.

In-Demand Media Political Expert to Speak at NACDS Annual Meeting

2016-03-31T13:17:02-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

As the 2016 presidential election becomes more controversial by the day, the NACDS Annual Meeting fast approaches—April 16-19 in Palm Beach—where renowned political prognosticator Dr. Sabato will keynote the breakfast event on Monday, April 18.

Sabato epitomizes NACDS’ commitment to providing the most compelling, timely and informative speakers at its events.

Sabato, an election analyst and founder of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, has long been a sought-after political commentator and, in just the past few days, he has been quoted in The New York Times, Politico, The Miami Herald and The Christian Science Monitor on topics ranging from the media’s role in the 2016 election to the upcoming political conventions.

Sabato epitomizes NACDS’ commitment to providing the most compelling, timely and informative speakers at its events. No stranger to unprecedented political campaigns, Sabato correctly predicted the winner of the 2012 presidential election and 98 percent of the winners of the U.S. Senate, U.S. House and gubernatorial races in 2012—which he also did in 2010, 2008 and 2006.

It should be fascinating to hear his take on the 2016 presidential campaign, which has been anything but dull—or predictable.

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