NACDS Foundation Hosts Prescription and OTC Medication Forum

2016-10-27T19:03:39-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

The NACDS Foundation hosted a forum this week, “Prescription & OTC Medication Record Integration: A Holistic Patient-Centered Approach.”

The NACDS Foundation hosted a forum this week, “Prescription & OTC Medication Record Integration: A Holistic Patient-Centered Approach,” to explore the potential for advancing patient health and wellness by integrating over-the-counter (OTC) medication use into electronic health records.

The increased use of prescription drugs, wider reliance on self-medication and the rise in the use of OTC medications has led to a higher risk for drug-drug interactions between prescriptions and OTC medications. Prevention strategies focused on especially vulnerable populations who are receiving interacting prescribed drugs—the elderly and chronically ill—could improve patient outcomes.

Representatives from retail pharmacy, pharmacy software system vendors, pharmacy channel partners and other health information technology partners participated in the stakeholder conference, which will culminate in a report that will be widely distributed throughout the stakeholder communities and NACDS communications platforms.

NACDS Actively Engaged in Association Community

2016-10-21T23:23:26-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: |

NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, recently served as the emcee at the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) 2016 Summit Awards Dinner in Washington, D.C.

NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, recently served as the emcee at the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) 2016 Summit Awards Dinner held in the historic National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.

The high profile event, attended by more than 1,000 association executives, professionals and political opinion leaders, was covered in Politico Influence and industry publication Association Trends.

In related news, ASAE called on Anderson and other NACDS staff to participate in its election-related programming—before and after the “big day” on November 8. Anderson will present the opening keynote session at ASAE’s “DC Law” conference next week, titled “What You ‘Need to Know’ About Politics.” NACDS also will moderate an expert panel discussion after Election Day comprised of noted journalists from political media outlets, including CQ Roll Call, Bloomberg Politics and The Guardian.

NACDS Co-Hosts Inaugural Pharmacogenomics Certificate Program with University of Pittsburgh

2016-10-06T12:57:01-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

NACDS co-hosted its inaugural Test2Learn™ Community-Based Pharmacogenomics Certificate Program with the University of Pittsburgh last week. NACDS and the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy adapted Test2Learn™ from an innovative University platform that enables students to learn by using real genetic data in highly-interactive exercises.

NACDS Vice Chairman Alex Gourlay Visits NACDS Offices

2016-09-23T09:57:07-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

Co-Chief Operating Officer of Walgreens Boots Alliance & President of Walgreen Co. Alex Gourlay, NACDS vice chairman, paid a visit to NACDS offices and talked with the staff as part of a trip to Washington this week.

This week, as part of as part of a trip to Washington, D.C., Co-Chief Operating Officer of Walgreens Boots Alliance & President of Walgreen Co. Alex Gourlay, NACDS vice chairman, visited the NACDS offices and spoke with staff.

Gourlay, who is a pharmacist, provided perspective as a chain member about the importance of the work NACDS does. Gourlay said NACDS is well positioned to respond to a rapidly changing world and noted that the need for healthcare will grow and, along with it, pharmacy will as well. He pointed out that pharmacists are so well trained, especially in the United States, but they are not fully utilized and so the advocacy work NACDS does to expand pharmacists’ scope of practice is so important.

Gourlay also praised the effectiveness of NACDS meetings and recounted the first time he attended an NACDS Annual Meeting. He said, “It blew my mind to see so many people in one place with a real passion for the industry.” He emphasized that NACDS’ job is to reiterate “the value that pharmacy brings to the patient and the value NACDS brings to its members.”

Members of NACDS’ Leadership Attend International Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers, Inc., Meeting in London

2016-09-16T22:22:01-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: |

Members of NACDS’ leadership attended an International Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers, Inc., General Membership Meeting this week in London. The meeting is a gathering of the industry’s thought leaders, which strengthens relationships with other stakeholders and builds overall confidence in the healthcare delivery system. Participants are pictured during a panel on Pharmacy as a Point of Care. (left to right: Co-Chief Operating Officer of Walgreens Boots Alliance & President of Walgreen Co. and NACDS Vice Chairman Alex Gourlay, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of CVS Health Tom Moriarty, CEO of Sinopharm Kingdoms Pharmacy Chain Co., LTD Yulin Wei and NACDS President & CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE.

NACDS RxIMPACT Funds Successful Get-Out-the-Vote Event

2016-09-09T21:08:56-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: |

NACDS RxIMPACT Votes is actively engaged in motivating and educating the pharmacy community on the importance of getting out the vote.

The presidential election on November 8 is right around the corner, but it’s not too late to get friends and colleagues engaged and ready to vote.

NACDS RxIMPACT Votes is actively engaged in motivating and educating the pharmacy community on the importance of getting out the vote. With funding from the program, Steve Ferris, Discount Drug Mart, Inc.’s government and public affairs director, arranged another successful get-out-the-vote event during a twice yearly pharmacists meeting, which is a mix of continuing education, best practices and vendor sessions. Ferris said the event was “super.”

There were more than 225 pharmacists and members of Discount Drug Mart, Inc.’s corporate team in attendance over the two-day meeting.

Ferris used the newly-created NACDS RxIMPACT Votes flyer as a handout in packets for the event, and the event’s speaker emphasized the importance of NACDS RxIMPACT Votes—and, especially, showing up at the polls. Ferris plans to follow up with an email blast to 1,000 of Discount Drug Mart, Inc.’s employees who are related to their pharmacy operations and all their corporate office employees with a link to The NACDS RxIMPACT Votes resource site features #PharmacyVoter campaign ads “Momentum” and “Effective,” which encourage pharmacy personnel to volunteer and vote for candidates of their choice. Ferris will also send an email blast closer to the election with information on polling locations.

These NACDS RxIMPACT Votes resources are accessible and ready to be shared. Election Day is almost here and voter turnout, especially after such a contentious campaign, is more important than ever.

NACDS RxIMPACT Lauds Roundtable Focused on Curbing Opioid Addiction

2016-08-31T13:55:42-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: |

Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO) and Brandon Martin, PharmD, pharmacy manager of the Ladue, Mo. Genoa, a QoL Healthcare Company, at a roundtable to discuss curbing opioid abuse.

NACDS RxIMPACT lauds Genoa, a QoL Healthcare Company’s, participation in a roundtable discussion with Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO) recently in Ladue, Mo. An emergency room physician, a police officer and members of the addiction treatment and mental health community also participated to discuss strategies to curb the rise of opioid addiction in their community.

The group discussed strategies to engage young people and families to increase awareness about opioid addiction.  They also talked about the potential benefits for their community with the passage of bipartisan, NACDS-backed legislation, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA). The bill  would adjust existing authorizations and programs to provide a series of resources and incentives to help healthcare providers, law enforcement officials and state and local governments to expand drug treatment, prevention and recovery efforts.

Brandon Martin, PharmD, the pharmacy’s general manager, said, “It was a productive meeting and I was able to share our company’s mission and talk about what we do here at Genoa.” He added that the meeting was “definitely a positive experience.”

NACDS Gives Back to the Community

2016-08-25T11:07:25-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

Reflecting NACDS members’ commitment to community engagement, NACDS staff members recently volunteered for the Arlington Food Assistance Center, whose headquarters are near the NACDS office, to collect fresh produce left on farmers’ fields after they have been harvested to ensure edible produce is not needlessly discarded. NACDS volunteers collected 1,089 pounds of vegetables from the fields.

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