Preparations in Full Gear for NACDS Annual
Preparations remain in full gear for the highly productive 2020 NACDS Annual Meeting, to be held April 25-28 in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Preparations remain in full gear for the highly productive 2020 NACDS Annual Meeting, to be held April 25-28 in Scottsdale, Arizona.
NACDS members are encouraged to visit and bookmark a portal that provides timely updates on the COVID-19 situation.
Ali S. Khan, MD, MPH, who noted pharmacists' vital role in public health in an op-ed published February 8 in the Omaha World-Herald, is pictured here during a February 20 CNBC appearance.
Helen Siegfried Bolger, the wife of the late former NACDS President & CEO Bob Bolger, passed away February 14, 2020.
The 300,000+ influential readers of Harvard Business Review are seeing pharmacists positioned as part of the solution to high-quality and affordable healthcare.
In an op-ed on Medium, NACDS emphasizes pharmacy's commitment to responding to public-health emergencies - and to the personal health and wellness needs of patients every day.
A record-breaking 57 campuses will be represented by 60 student pharmacists at the 2020 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill.