Congressional In-District Work Period Advances Grassroots Efforts

2016-06-02T09:39:13-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

Members of Congress are currently home for in-district work periods, which happen about nine times during every session of Congress. A typical recess lasts one to two weeks, while the August in-district work period usually lasts for the entire month.

 NACDS RxIMPACT makes the most of these excellent opportunities to coordinate pharmacy advocates with lawmakers when they are back home to educate them on pharmacy legislative priorities.

The NACDS RxIMPACT grassroots advocacy program hosted five recent events, bringing the total for 2016 to 31. The events range from in-district meetings to town halls, where advocates can call attention to an issue or particular legislation and send a message to their members of Congress. When legislators come back to D.C., NACDS will continue advocating for issues surrounding TRICARE, pain medications, drug take back and more.

Here is a list of the most recent NACDS RxIMPACT activities, which proliferated during this recent congressional in-district work period:

  • Rite Aid Corporation—House Energy & Commerce Committee Member Rep.  Tony Cardenas (D-CA) (staff)—Panorama City, Calif.—pharmacy tour
  • Rite Aid Corporation—Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)—Augusta, Ken.—meet-and-greet
  • Walmart—House Armed Services Committee Member Rep. Steve Russell (R-OK)—Oklahoma City, Okla.—town hall
  • Fred’s Pharmacy–Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA)—Baton Rouge, La.—town hall
  • Walmart—House Armed Services Committee Member Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX)—El Paso, Texas—town hall

New Department of Labor Rule Extends Overtime Pay to Millions

2016-05-26T11:31:49-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

A final Department of Labor (DoL) regulation released May 18 on overtime will likely have a large-scale effect on employers and industries, including retailers and community pharmacies.  The final rule, which will take effect on December 1, 2016, doubles the salary threshold—from $23,660 to $47,476 per year—under which most salaried workers are guaranteed overtime.

The final rule, which will take effect on December 1, 2016, doubles the salary threshold—from $23,660 to $47,476 per year—under which most salaried workers are guaranteed overtime.

Employers will have more than six months to prepare and will have an automatic update based on wage growth every three years after that. The final rule will raise the salary level for the first time since 2004, and automatically extend overtime pay protections to over four million workers within the first year of implementation.

The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) expressed concerns to the DoL that the new rules could adversely affect community pharmacies. The concern stems from the fact that practicing physicians—including medical residents—are not entitled to a minimum salary or overtime because they qualify for an exemption for the practice of medicine. According to APhA, pharmacy residents should qualify for the same exemption as medical residents because pharmacists cannot accept a residency until they have completed their PharmD.

In comments to DoL, APhA wrote, “…without enough time to plan for salary increases, community pharmacies as well as small businesses may face budget constraints and some may be forced to discontinue these programs that assist in training pharmacists as clinical care providers.” In addition, pharmacy technicians may be affected by the DoL final rule, depending on their job duties.

The National Retail Federation (NRF) estimates the new threshold will affect about 2.2 million retail and restaurant workers, or 64 percent of salaried employees in the industry. NRF has conducted research that shows expanded overtime could drive up retailers’ payroll costs while limiting workers’ opportunities to move up into management. The group also estimates that thousands of workers could be reclassified as hourly employees instead of salaried workers, and could have their hours cut to 38 hours so employers could [ READ MORE ]

Join NACDS in Becoming a #PharmacyVoter

2016-05-26T11:28:58-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

As the nation prepares to elect the policymakers who will shape pharmacy’s future on November 8, 2016, the NACDS RxIMPACT Votes program is equipped to help the pharmacy community energize participation in the election process.

NACDS also has a variety of other resources to promote engagement in this important civic duty and advancing the initiatives of the pharmacy community.

Studies show that employees trust and want information from their employers on voting and elections and the resources NACDS has made available to you will help you effectively prepare your employees to get out the vote on Election Day.

NACDS launched the 2016 NACDS RxIMPACT Votes program earlier this year with the unveiling of the #PharmacyVoter campaign. The website, features resources that members of the pharmacy community can use to engage in the democratic process.

In addition to the widely-viewed 30-second #PharmacyVoter get-out-the-vote video ads—“Effective” and “Momentum”—NACDS also has a variety of other resources to promote engagement in this important civic duty and advancing the initiatives of the pharmacy community. NACDS encourages pharmacy’s engagement in the 2016 elections by providing pharmacy personnel with resources on how to volunteer for campaigns and vote for the candidates of their choice from voter registration information, to ideas for planning get out the vote events, to insights about how you can volunteer for campaigns.

NACDS has recently added another great resource to its Election 2016 bucket—a fully customizable flyer that can be co-branded with your company name and other information so that you can supply your employees with the information they’re looking for as November 8 nears.

Check out all of the resources NACDS RxIMPACT has designed to save you time and get out the important message about the significance of the pharmacy community voice!

Remember to use #PharmacyVoter on social media to advance awareness about the effort!

Make your mark.

NACDS Continues Advocacy on Addiction, Recovery Bill

2016-05-26T11:23:30-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

NACDS continues to advocate in anticipation of the House and Senate conference on S. 524, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA). The legislation would adjust existing authorizations and programs to provide a series of resources and incentives to help healthcare providers, law enforcement officials and state and local governments to expand drug treatment, prevention and recovery efforts.

The House version does not contain the provision in the Senate legislation that requires pharmacists to check their prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) before filling every prescription for a controlled substance to be eligible for federal grant funding.  NACDS RxIMPACT launched a grasstops campaign this week encouraging NACDS member companies with store operations represented by 46 House and 20 Senate leaders to build support for the House position in the conference.

NACDS’ TRICARE Advocacy Efforts Yield Results

2016-05-09T22:02:12-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

As a result of advocacy by NACDS and the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA), the House Armed Services Committee did not include the administration’s proposal to increase TRICARE pharmacy copays.

NACDS and NCPA have remained highly engaged in efforts to preserve pharmacy access and choice for TRICARE patients over the years…

NACDS and NCPA submitted a joint letter to the chairmen and ranking members of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), before the markup of the FY2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), urging them to protect TRICARE beneficiary access by refusing to further increase retail community pharmacist copayments.

NACDS and NCPA have remained highly engaged in efforts to preserve pharmacy access and choice for TRICARE patients over the years, advocating against increased copays, which place a great burden on TRICARE beneficiaries—especially retirees and families of active duty military—and also severely limit their ability to receive medications and services from their neighborhood pharmacies.

The House Armed Services Committee also included NACDS-backed language in the FY2017 NDAA establishing a TRICARE acquisition cost parity pilot program for retail pharmacy, which would allow retail pharmacies currently in the TRICARE pharmacy network to access Department of Defense pricing of pharmaceuticals. This would  provide beneficiaries with the choice of how they get their medications. The FY2017 NDAA is expected to be considered by the full House of Representatives in mid-May.

NACDS continues work with its stakeholders on these important issues affecting pharmacy as the Senate reviews the FY2017 NDAA and the bill is brought to conference.

NACDS Advocate Honored with Prestigious Award

2016-05-04T15:09:36-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

A member of NACDS’ advocacy base, former Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), was honored with the Bryce Harlow Business Government Relations Award on April 27. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) praised Lincoln in his introductory comments, and the video tributes to her at the ceremony included congratulatory remarks from former President Bill Clinton, a fellow Arkansan.

The award is given annually to an advocacy leader, recognizing an exemplary career in government affairs.

The award is given annually to an advocacy leader in recognition of an exemplary career in government affairs. Lincoln served 16 years in Congress, where she cemented a reputation as a bipartisan national leader with significant healthcare expertise. She has been a consistent champion on pharmacy issues, including the Medicaid reimbursement issue.

Lincoln serves as founder and principal of Lincoln Policy Group, a government affairs consulting firm representing NACDS—along with the McGrath Group and the American Continental Group—providing a strong presence on Capitol Hill on the issues most important to NACDS members.

Medicaid AMP: Vigilance Continues

2016-04-27T14:25:57-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , , |

Ever since the Federal Register published the final Covered Outpatient Drugs Final Rule (which directs pharmacy Medicaid reimbursement according to the average manufacturer price, or “AMP,” model) on January 21, 2016, NACDS has been evaluating the rule and determining appropriate actions.

The rule and its implementation must be viewed through the lens of its effects on patients’ access to vital medications and pharmacy services.

NACDS has done so according to two key principles that have guided the Association’s actions over nearly a decade related to this issue: that NACDS operates as a member-centric trade association, and that the rule and its implementation must be viewed through the lens of its effects on patients’ access to vital medications and pharmacy services. That was the spirit of NACDS’ initial statement on the final rule posted on January 21, the timeline of this issue’s decade-long history, the update that we provided on our consideration of the final rule, and various analytical and informational resources that we have provided along the way.

Having discussed the final rule extensively with the NACDS Policy Council, the NACDS Executive Committee and the NACDS Board of Directors – as well as with diverse NACDS members at the NACDS Regional Chain Conference and NACDS Annual Meeting – we wanted to provide an update on where we stand at this point on an issue that will continue to play out during the rule’s implementation.

First, it is clear that one of NACDS’ top priorities must be to actively monitor and analyze the implementation of the rule – including actions by state governments and by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). As states make legislative and regulatory changes in light of the final rule – to implement AMP-based federal upper limits (FULs), cost-based reimbursement for brands, and professional dispensing fee reimbursement – and as CMS considers related state plan amendments, vigilance will be essential to ensure these changes are conducive to patient access. As a result of advocacy by NACDS and the National Community Pharmacists Association, the final rule includes important provisions related to drug reimbursement and professional dispensing fees and it will be [ READ MORE ]

Get Out the Vote with #PharmacyVoter Ads

2016-04-22T11:36:48-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

Getting out the vote means taking a stance, being part of the process—and supporting pharmacy. NACDS’ new video ad, released during NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill last month, is designed to encourage pharmacy personnel to volunteer and vote for the candidates of their choice.

The [NACDS] RxIMPACT Votes program is a key part of what we need to do as we move closer and closer to the election.

Emphasizing the importance of get-out-the-vote initiatives, past NACDS Chairman Randy Edeker said at the NACDS Annual Meeting, “The

[NACDS] RxIMPACT Votes program is a key part of what we need to do as we move closer and closer to the election.” Another speaker at the conference underscored the message that engagement is key. Larry Sabato, election analyst and founder of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, said, “It’s political activity, it’s average people getting involved in the process that makes all the difference.”

The 30-second video ad series provides a convenient and accessible way to help increase engagement in the political process during the 2016 election year, and to sustain that involvement through advocacy on an ongoing basis. Here’s what you can do:

·       Promote the video ad at membership meetings, trainings, CE sessions and other gatherings;

·       Highlight your support for voter engagement, as other stakeholders have,  via social media on Twitter and Facebook;

·       Utilize #PharmacyVoter on social media to advance awareness about the effort; and

·       Share how you utilized these resources so NACDS can publicly celebrate your efforts

In addition to the videos, presents resources that help the people of pharmacy engage in the democratic process—from voter registration information, to ideas for planning get-out-the-vote events, to insights about how to volunteer for campaigns. Also remember to use #PharmacyVoter on social media to advance awareness about the effort.

NACDS’ Value, Relationships and Engagement Resonate at Annual Meeting

2016-04-22T11:32:06-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

The highly-anticipated NACDS Annual Meeting brought together decision makers and executives—from retailers, suppliers and other healthcare and consumer goods partners—for an exceptional chance to build relationships, connect and engage.

There is a huge opportunity for pharmacy to step in and meet unmet needs by saving costs through adding services to patients that they’re not getting elsewhere…

The conference lived up to its reputation as a “one-of-a-kind” place to collaborate and foster strategic partnership. Distinguished by renowned speakers and high-energy events, the conference effectively facilitated top-to-top business and strategic exchanges that strengthened relationships and led to solid and productive outcomes.

Newly-elected NACDS Board Chairman Martin Otto, chief merchant and chief financial officer of H-E-B, discussed the challenges the industry is facing as the healthcare landscape changes dramatically. He said, “There is a huge opportunity for pharmacy to step in and meet unmet needs by saving costs through adding services to patients that they’re not getting elsewhere and, in so doing, improving healthcare…”

Ending his term as NACDS Chairman, Randy Edeker, chairman, CEO and president of Hy-Vee, Inc., commended NACDS and said an association’s value is measured “by what it provides to our community and to our patients, to the people that we care for, and to society in general.”

NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, said, “…when you walk into an NACDS meeting you can feel the excitement and the energy in the room of competitors coming together, collaborating for the common good of the industry and—most importantly—for the American people.”

A series of Strategic Exchange Appointments and a comprehensive Meet the Retailer program were among many of the innovative and interactive features augmenting the excellent line-up of sessions on the agenda.

The conference concluded with a presentation of the Robert B. Begley Award to highly respected industry icon, Tim Hayes, who has been with Bayer Consumer Health for nearly 25 years—including 15 years as president. The Robert B. Begley Award was established in 1980 and named in memory of former NACDS Chairman of the Board Robert B. Begley. The award honors an individual who possesses qualities of great personal warmth, generous spirit and longtime service to the industry.

Now that the NACDS Annual Meeting [ READ MORE ]

Spark Collaboration and Get Results at the NACDS Annual Meeting

2016-04-15T09:51:51-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

The NACDS Annual Meeting kicks off April 16–April 19. The one-of-a-kind conference sparks collaboration, opportunities and results among senior level executives from NACDS-member chain and supplier companies.

Be sure to watch an NACDS Annual Meeting “Know before You Go” video, which gives last-minute preparation tips and help you make the most of the conference.

Download the NACDS Annual Meeting app to get immediately oriented at the conference. The app conveniently consolidates information all on one app, so participants and exhibitors can personalize schedules, build connections, browse companies, navigate an interactive floor plan—and access NACDS social media platforms to stay in the loop on each day of the event. If you’re tweeting out from the event, please remember to use #NACDSAnnual.

Stay tuned to NACDS-TV, which will provide daily highlights from the event.

The event program features many top-tier speakers, including: former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner (R-OH), former Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey, and Dr. Larry Sabato, election analyst and founder of the University of Virginia Center for Politics.

Get ready to build successful, collaborative relationships that will enhance your success!

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