Observer of Association Industry Takes Interest in Latest NACDS Announcement

2016-08-05T12:34:10-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

NACDS recently announced the launch of three demonstration projects aimed at boosting pharmacy-based immunization rates, and the significance of the initiative has not gone unnoticed by Associations Now – which covers the association industry.

The goals of the project are for healthcare entities to work together to develop and implement a value-based payment model that results in improved immunization rates for a targeted population…

NACDS released a request for proposals in February 2016 seeking proposals that align interests across healthcare stakeholders to drive immunization rates. NACDS received more than 20 proposals and convened an independent review committee comprised of experts in the fields of public health, pharmacy operations, and healthcare quality.

The goals of the project are for healthcare entities to work together to develop and implement a value-based payment model that results in improved immunization rates for a targeted population that are recorded in the appropriate state-based registry. The models also will feature innovative methods for sharing immunization information among the participating health plans or systems, accountable care organizations, community pharmacies and patients. The awardees also will collaborate with public health agencies to improve pandemic vaccine preparedness.

Note: The RFP is supported by Grant Federal Award Identification Number, IH23IP000985, for $800,000 funded by the CDC. The content of this RFP is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC or the Department of Health and Human Services.  NACDS showed its strong commitment to this $800,000 grant by contributing an additional $300,000 to execute the demonstration projects.  Given this contribution, each sub-awardee will receive approximately 67 percent ($200,000) of its funding from the CDC and approximately 33 percent ($100,000) from NACDS to implement its demonstration project. A total of $1.1 million will be used to complete CDC project work, with 80 percent from the CDC and 20 percent from NACDS.

Latest Zika News Spurs New Interest in NACDS Foundation Program

2016-08-05T12:23:38-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an unprecedented travel advisory on Monday urging pregnant women to stay away from a Miami neighborhood where they have discovered additional cases of Zika infection.

In response to the public health emergency, the NACDS Foundation has been working closely with the CDC on raising awareness about the Zika virus.

According to the CDC, this is the first time the agency has warned people not to travel to an American neighborhood for fear of catching an infectious disease. This week, 11 more people in Florida were discovered to have been infected with Zika, bringing the total to 15.

In response to the public health emergency, the NACDS Foundation has been working closely with the CDC on raising awareness about the Zika virus. In May the Foundation launched an online webinar: “Zika Prevention Strategies: Patient & Community Health,” featuring expert content from speakers from the March of Dimes and the University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy.

The online webinar provides healthcare providers with knowledge surrounding the Zika virus, associated risks, prevention techniques and how to utilize behavioral counseling to ensure patients are reducing contraction and transmission of the virus.

The webinar and the continuing education (CE) credit are open to all interested parties. One hour of CE credit will be available for this program, which is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). Interested participants will find information on a dedicated page on the Learner Community website.

The NACDS Foundation’s online webinar complements the organization’s radio messages and online displays in Puerto Rico that encourage women and their families to seek advice from physicians and pharmacists about ways to protect themselves and their unborn children from the effects of Zika.

PA and SC Members: DEA Diversion Conferences Set for August

2016-07-27T12:05:08-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

The Liaison and Policy Section of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has asked NACDS to share with member companies the news of Pharmacy Diversion Awareness Conferences scheduled for August. Two options – August 15 or 16 – are available in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, and one date of August 27 has been set for Harrisburg, Pa.

The conferences are open to all pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and loss prevention personnel registered in South Carolina and Pennsylvania, respectively.

Download South Carolina Information

Download Pennsylvania Information

More information about the South Carolina conference is available through DEA Program Analyst Jessica Adamo at (202) 307-9443 and more information about the Pennsylvania conference is available through DEA Program Analyst Chantay Cunningham at (202) 598-8196.

Pharmacists First In Patient Trust Survey

2016-07-13T11:57:03-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

Pharmacists are the most trusted group in the healthcare industry, according to a new survey by advertising and marketing firm Meyocks.

Sixty percent of respondents reported trusting their pharmacists, with only 14% arguing they don’t trust them. The marks represented the highest trust rate and lowest distrust rate among all groups in the survey. “In general, Americans trust the people who directly provide healthcare more than others in the system,” said Doug Jeske, Meyocks president.

Extended Fruth Pharmacy Family Steps Up Amid Flood

2016-07-13T11:40:11-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

Mother Nature’s might is revealing itself yet again in the West Virginia flooding of three weeks ago. Also on display is the power of the helping hand and the human spirit – with the customers, employees and business partners of Fruth Pharmacy figuring significantly in the relief effort. talked with Lynne Fruth, president of Fruth Pharmacy and a member of the NACDS Board of Directors, and with several team members, about the flood and its aftermath.


Fruth describes the flash flooding of June 23, 2016, as only a true West Virginian can. She tells of the tragic loss, and near misses, of people she knows well, and she compares the flooding to other infamous days in the state’s history.

“It reminds me of the Buffalo Creek flood,” she said, referring to a tragic dam burst in 1972. “People heard the water coming, ran to the highest point and watched the water come in.”

Given the number of people in the extended pharmacy family who know Fruth, the question on the minds of many is how the people and property of the 29-store chain fared.

“We were really fortunate,” she said. “There was disaster all around us. Our new store took on minimal water, but we were really completely spared as a chain. We had no loss of employees or their immediate family’s homes. Having said that, within a few miles of our stores, we had loss of life, children swept away, tremendous loss. It is very devastating.”

She recounted one story of a neighbor who was sad to stand on the site of her family’s dream home that had been ruined, but whose emotions were focused more intently on those across the street who were swept away along with their home in the flood waters – leaving them among those who truly lost everything.

“That’s perspective,” Fruth said.

For West Virginians, the stories are many and cut deep – and so, too, are the motivations to help make a difference for those who got by with a near miss.


When Fruth talks about her company’s involvement in the relief effort, she puts everything in terms of the company’s customers, employees and [ READ MORE ]

HHS Moves to Accelerate Zika Vaccine Development

2016-07-01T10:56:31-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

The Department of Health and Human Services reported Monday it would accelerate development of a Zika vaccine, following a House decision last week to provide $1.1 billion in funding to combat the Zika virus.

The NACDS Foundation is actively engaged with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the CDC Foundation, the March of Dimes and other stakeholders in efforts to protect at-risk populations in Puerto Rico.

The Center for Innovation in Advanced Development Manufacturing (CIADM) will conduct a variety of studies to move quickly through early stages of vaccine development and submit a new drug request to FDA to begin clinical studies. To further speed development time, the CIADM will use vaccine technology similar to that used in vaccines being developed to protect against similar viruses, such as Dengue.

“The threat posed by Zika presents an urgent need for vaccines and diagnostics,” said Dr. Richard Hatchett, acting director of HHS’ Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.

As part of efforts to raise awareness about the Zika virus and prevention measures, the NACDS Foundation is actively engaged with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the CDC Foundation, the March of Dimes and other stakeholders in efforts to protect at-risk populations in Puerto Rico. The Foundation has also launched an education campaign tailored toward families in Puerto Rico, and additional outreach efforts, including radio broadcasts, digital messaging and online information.

NACDS RxIMPACT Pharmacy Tour: “The Best Type of Legislative Visit”

2016-06-28T10:45:03-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

As NACDS RxIMPACT continues to maximize the value of in-district congressional activities, a report from the pharmacy manager, Brandon Martin, PharmD, of Genoa, a QoL Healthcare Company, in Ladue, Mo., called a recent pharmacy tour with a field representative for Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO), “the best type of legislative visit.”

Thanks for allowing me this opportunity to help advance our profession.

Martin took Wagner’s field representative, Jordan Fears, on a tour of the pharmacy, showing him the array of services the location offers, including precribers, counselors, therapists and the pharmacy. Martin said Fears was engaged and receptive. Martin also briefed him on medication therapy management benefits for patients and NACDS-backed provider status legislation, H.R. 592.

Martin said, “Mr. Fears arrived ready to learn as much as he could about the practice of pharmacy. The visit lasted a little over an hour and it ended with him taking my card and letting me know that he would take me up on being a resource for information on legislation.” He added, “Thanks for allowing me this opportunity to help advance our profession.”

Join Pharmacy’s Team: Become an NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact

2016-06-23T10:28:37-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

NACDS represents members—by advocating on behalf of the pharmacy community with a resonant, unified voice about the value of pharmacy.

Your engagement is truly essential, especially in an election year.

In order to reach as many members of Congress effectively, it is essential to build and foster relationships with select members of Congress so key pharmacy legislative priorities are on their radar and they understand their importance.

What can you do? Become a part of the growing NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact program, which exists under a broader NACDS RxIMPACT umbrella and empowers NACDS member company representatives to build relationships with members of Congress to advance pharmacy legislative issues over the long term.

The public policy arena is only getting more competitive. More advocates, representing a wide range of issues, are engaging with Congress to make their views heard. Becoming an NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact is the first stop on the train of grassroots advocacy and reaching your member of Congress on various pharmacy issues. It’s also a great way great way to get more involved beyond attending NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill, and to build on any relationships you began during the trip to Washington.

Your engagement is truly essential, especially in an election year. Members of Congress that you sign up to engage with, or that you already have a relationship with, are going to be spending a lot of time back in their home districts this summer, which presents many excellent opportunities to connect with members on their home turf for town hall meetings, meet-and-greets, in-district office hours, ribbon cuttings, and pharmacy tours. These kinds of in-district events present great opportunities to join your fellow constituents and directly interact with lawmakers about pharmacy concerns.  It’s also a way to stay in touch with in-district staff members, who are key allies in gaining access to legislators at home, and an often overlooked resource next to their more visible Capitol Hill staff counterparts.

Also upcoming are the Republican and Democratic Conventions in July.  This is definitely a good time to get involved!

Join the NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact Program today and distinguish yourself as a pharmacy advocate. [ READ MORE ]

NACDS Meets with CDC and other Stakeholders on Pandemic Readiness

2016-06-23T10:25:22-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

Last week NACDS, with support from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), held a meeting to discuss strategies to improve public-private partnerships, which would lead to earlier and more broadly available pandemic vaccine.

 The public health community works with pharmacists and pharmacies to enhance the delivery of essential immunizations and other medications to advance public health priorities. As the face of neighborhood healthcare, pharmacies and pharmacists offer convenient and accessible patient-centered services every day, and during public health emergencies.

During the meeting, NACDS, CDC, ASTHO, and the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) presented an overview of a formalized Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) template, which outlines a standardized pandemic preparedness approach in community pharmacy.  The draft MOU, vetted by NACDS and other partner organizations, formalizes responsibilities between state-level public health agencies and community pharmacies in pandemic vaccination planning and response, specifically related to federally purchased and procured pandemic vaccine. The process to implement this MOU is currently being piloted with community pharmacies and health departments in Arkansas, Tennessee and Georgia.

Panelists from state health departments and state pharmacy associations highlighted the successful partnerships and pandemic planning work being done in their states: Kentucky, Washington and Michigan.  Following in-depth discussion regarding the barriers and benefits community pharmacies face in planning for pandemics, the CDC closed the meeting by sharing its national vision for pharmacy and public health collaboration and a future scale-up of the pilot project.

Congress Continues to Seek Solutions on Opioid Abuse

2016-06-23T10:23:10-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

Congress continues measures to address the nation’s opioid abuse epidemic. Yesterday, during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Hearing on Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), senior member and former chairman of the Committee Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) asked DEA Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg what the DEA is doing to implement NACDS-backed legislation, S. 483, the Ensuring Patient Access and Drug Enforcement Act, which was signed into law on April 19, 2016.

 The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Hatch, would increase collaboration among health and enforcement authorities to achieve drug abuse solutions that maintain patients’ legitimate access to medications. Rosenbery said work on implementing the legislation is ongoing.

In another development, Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) introduced S. 3075, the Addiction Prevention and Responsible Opioid Practices Act on June 16. The legislation includes a wide-ranging group of initiatives to reduce the amount of pain medications on the market, and improve prescribing practices. It includes a provision to implement a national drug disposal program, but does not mandate pharmacy participation.  The legislation would also encourage improvements to prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs), but does not require pharmacy consultation of a PDMP for controlled substances.

In advance of the introduction of the legislation, NACDS met with Sen. Durbin’s staff to express concerns about mandatory take back programs, and requiring pharmacists to consult PDMPs. NACDS believes pharmacists should use their professional judgment in this regard.

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