Sharp Decline in Chickenpox Cases Highlights Importance of Vaccination

2016-09-09T15:28:12-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

Recent findings released from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that cases of chickenpox have declined even further since the introduction of a second routine childhood dose of varicella vaccine in 2006.

News of the effective decline in chickenpox cases because of vaccinations bolsters the role pharmacy plays in providing accessible, affordable vaccinations in communities across the country.

The chickenpox vaccine was introduced in 1996, which led to approximately a 90 percent decline in cases of chickenpox, however because of continued outbreaks, the second routine dose of the vaccination was introduced. The CDC report noted an 85 percent decline in chickenpox cases between 2005-2006 (the end of the one-dose varicella vaccination program) to 2013-2014. The largest declines occurred among children and adolescents ages 5-14 years, the age groups most likely to have received a second shot of vaccine to prevent the disease.

The CDC has credited vaccination with preventing four million cases of chickenpox, 9,000 hospitalizations, and 100 deaths each year.

News of the effective decline in chickenpox cases because of vaccinations bolsters the role pharmacy plays in providing accessible, affordable vaccinations in communities across the country.

NACDS continues to advocate for expanded access to pharmacist-administered adolescent vaccinations and recently collaborated with the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) on presenting a webinar, “Vaccines for Preteens and Teens: The Importance of Timely Vaccination for All Adolescents” in August, which coincided with the observance of August as National Immunization Awareness Month. The increased efforts to raise awareness of the importance of timely adolescent vaccinations were spurred by a report released by NFID in February. The report stated: “Retail pharmacies continue to expand their vaccination services and they are valuable partners for improving adolescent vaccination rates.”

NACDS also recently announced the launch of three demonstrations projects that aim to foster healthcare collaboration to increase pharmacy-based immunizations.

Proof of the effectiveness of vaccinations illustrates the pharmacy industry’s contribution to improving patient health and outcomes with preventative, evidence-based efforts.

Epic Flooding in Louisiana Prompts NACDS Member Action

2016-09-06T14:09:56-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

In response to the historic flooding in Louisiana, NACDS member companies—demonstrating the vital role they play in the communities they serve—immediately stepped in to provide assistance for those in need, in collaboration with public health partners and emergency preparedness authorities.

NACDS member companies—demonstrating the vital role they play in the communities they serve—immediately stepped in to provide assistance for those in need…

As of print time, these are the relief efforts NACDS members have been involved in. If your company also participated in these efforts, or has updated information, please send an email to NACDS’ Lisa Boylan so we can report on it in upcoming editions of CEO Issue Update, as this is a long-term relief initiative and we want to accurately reflect member efforts.

To date, these are the member actions NACDS has observed in media reports:

  • Albertsons accepted donations for the American Red Cross Louisiana Flood Relief in southern Louisiana stores and the Albertsons Company Foundation has pledged to match donations dollar for dollar up to $300,000. Albertsons also allowed the City of Denham Springs to operate in their parking lot and store for a period of time and provided temporary shelter to evacuees. Albertsons operates 19 stores in the region.
  • CVS Health and the CVS Health Foundation announced a $100,000 donation in cash and in-kind support to organizations providing relief efforts to flood victims in central Louisiana, including the Salvation Army USA Southern Territory and the American Red Cross. CVS operates 131 stores in the area.
  • The Rite Aid Foundation recently donated an additional $50,000 to the American Red Cross Louisiana Capital Area for flood victims in Louisiana, adding to the foundation’s August 15 donation of $50,000. Rite Aid operates 61 stores in Louisiana, including 11 in the greater Baton Rouge area.
  • Southeastern Grocers LLC matched customer contributions to its Winn-Dixie, BI-LO and Harveys stores for the flood relief efforts dollar for dollar through the Southeastern Grocers Foundation. Southeastern Grocers LLC operates 43 stores in the region.
  • Target is donating $400,000 to assist Baton Rouge and the surrounding communities affected. The donation includes $100,000 to both the Salvation Army and American Red Cross to aid shelter and relief [ READ MORE ]

FDA Announced Class-Wide Drug Labeling Changes Warning of Risks of Combining Opioids and Anxiety Meds

2016-09-06T14:03:37-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced class-wide drug labeling changes for opioid and benzodiazepine products on August 31 to help patients and doctors better understand the potentially life-threatening risks of combining anti-anxiety or sleep medications with prescription opioids.

The agency will now require boxed warnings—the FDA’s strongest warning—and patient-focused Medication Guides for prescription opioid analgesics, opioid-containing cough products, and benzodiazepines (nearly 400 products in total)…

The agency will now require boxed warnings—the FDA’s strongest warning—and patient-focused Medication Guides for prescription opioid analgesics, opioid-containing cough products, and benzodiazepines (nearly 400 products in total) with information about the serious risks associated with using these medications at the same time. Risks include extreme sleepiness, respiratory depression, coma and death.

The agency is taking this action after an extensive review of the latest scientific evidence revealed that physicians have been increasingly prescribing opioids and benzodiazepines together, which has raised the risk of adverse outcomes. From 2004 to 2011, the rate of emergency department visits involving non-medical use of both drug classes increased significantly, with overdose deaths (from taking prescribed or greater than prescribed doses) involving both drug classes nearly tripling during that period.

In the announcement, FDA stressed its commitment to collaborating with the healthcare community and federal and state partners—as underscored in NACDS-backed, bipartisan legislation signed into law this year, S. 483, the Ensuring Patient Access and Drug Enforcement—to help reduce opioid misuse and abuse and improve appropriate opioid prescribing, while ensuring that patients in pain continue to have appropriate access to opioid analgesics.

Ready to Vote? Spread the News!

2016-08-30T13:20:57-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

NACDS RxIMPACT Votes recently released a new resource that encourages advocates to use their social media platforms to actively encourage their friends and associates with positive, personal messages to get involved, educated about the candidates—and to vote.

The flyer features sample tweets, Instagram posts and Facebook status ideas that advocates can use to show what they’re doing to become a #PharmacyVoter in #Election2016. Tell your followers you are voting and ask them to do the same. Tweet out voter registration deadlines and reminders to vote on November 8th. Share links to candidate lists and ballot initiatives.

Shape tomorrow by voting today!

NACDS RxIMPACT Gets Out the Vote—and Gains Recognition

2016-08-25T11:11:54-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

Leading the industry in mobilizing voters with robust, nonpartisan get-out-the-vote initiatives, NACDS RxIMPACT Votes aims to increase voter registration and political engagement in campaigns. The program does not encourage voting for any particular candidates, rather it focuses on getting voters excited about being part of the election process.

“You give me a date, time and city, and we’ll make it happen.” –Heidi Ecker, NACDS director of government affairs and grassroots programs

NACDS RxIMPACT Votes recently released a new resource which encourages advocates to use their social media platforms to actively encourage their friends and associates with positive, personal messages to get involved, educated about the candidates—and to vote. The flyer features sample tweets, Instagram posts and Facebook status ideas that advocates can use to show what they’re doing to become a #PharmacyVoter in #Election2016. Earlier this year, the program also launched two widely shared  #PharmacyVoter campaign “ads”—Momentum and Effective—which have gotten nearly 140,000 views on YouTube combined.

NACDS’ groundbreaking and highly effective grassroots program NACDS RxIMPACT was also recognized by the association industry publication CEO Update in an article that highlighted the longevity and breadth of the program, which has facilitated more than 500 events and meetings since its inception in 2008. NACDS Director of Government Affairs and Grassroots Programs Heidi Ecker, conveying the proactive nature of the program in the article, said, “You give me a date, time and city, and we’ll make it happen.”

The media attention comes as NACDS RxIMPACT marks the 64th in-district activity of 2016—to date. The program also educates advocates across the country with its NACDS RxIMPACT Training Program, which travelled to Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences in North Carolina and the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin this week to illustrate the power grassroots advocacy can have in advancing pro-patient, pro-pharmacy legislative priorities. Immediately following Ecker’s presentation in North Carolina, Bob Cisneros, Ph.D., associate professor at Campbell University, wrote and said, “…thank you so much for a great presentation and for inspiring our students to get involved. Your presentation is super.”

NACDS Retail Advisory Board Explores Digital Marketing at TSE

2016-08-25T10:29:15-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

Ongoing projects the NACDS Retail Advisory Board has been working on led to two Insight Sessions at the NACDS Total Store Expo (TSE) earlier this month. One was on the state of digital marketing among retailers and the other explored the difference between a new item and an innovative new item, which will later be published as a white paper.

U.S. digital ad spending continues to grow and is expected to comprise 45 percent of total ad spending by 2020…

The digital marketing presentation covered three years of primary research on how chain pharmacy retailers leverage digital marketing to grow their businesses.

The researchers updated the study this year and during their presentation at TSE—“Winning with Digital 2016”—they discussed how companies are expanding their digital marketing capabilities to drive awareness and sales. The study shows that U.S. digital ad spending continues to grow and is expected to comprise 45 percent of total ad spending by 2020, however the researchers noted that even though digital marketing has been around for 20 years, it is still in its infancy.

The presentation candidly discussed the challenges inherent in digital marketing and found that most companies are still undertaking multiple activities to build on their digital capabilities. They offered several strategies for companies as they continue to try and master successful and quantifiable digital marketing initiatives.

Forging New Partnerships: NACDS-NFID Collaboration

2016-08-24T10:23:06-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , , |

Feel free to share with all of your pharmacists the enduring education program – titled “Vaccines for Preteens and Teens: The Importance of Timely Vaccination for all Adolescents” – that NACDS and the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) announced this week.

Beyond the knowledge and the continuing education credit, this program speaks volumes about the industry:

  • Power of Partnership. NACDS welcomes the opportunity to partner with NFID – another organization with a fantastic reputation in the public-health community. Its recent report stated: “Retail pharmacies continue to expand their vaccination services and they are valuable partners for improving adolescent vaccination rates.” This is a powerful statement – one the industry graciously embraces.
  • Vaccination as a Proof Point for the Industry. It is often discussed that pharmacy’s response to the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 demonstrated the value of pharmacy access – particularly as it relates to vaccinations. Out of need, and out of proven effectiveness, pharmacists in 2009 gained the ability to administer the flu vaccine to adults in all 50 states – when Maine took that step. Since that time, pharmacists’ vaccination authority has expanded along with increasing appreciation of the day-to-day access and value that these professionals provide. In 2015, Georgia became the 50th state in which pharmacists can provide at least three adult vaccines. This remains a position of strength from which the industry can continue to build. The industry welcomes the opportunity to make a substantial contribution toward the federal recommendations for adolescent vaccinations. In so doing, NACDS also is striving to expand access to pharmacist-administered adolescent vaccinations in order to make further progress in this area.
  • One Example among Many. While vaccinations have become a convenient conversation point to explain pharmacy’s value, there are other examples – including recent examples in which NACDS is highly involved. In July, NACDS and the University of Pittsburgh announced plans for a national tour this fall to advance the Test2Learn™ Community-Based Pharmacogenomics Program – including a component that will provide the instruction necessary for pharmacists to administer the training to other pharmacists. In addition, NACDS this summer presented its second annual national tour to expand pharmacy-based point-of-care testing, [ READ MORE ]

Some Saw NACDS’ #PharmacyVoter Ads for the First Time at TSE; Have You Seen Them?

2016-08-11T13:18:55-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , , |

One of many themes that emerged from the NACDS Total Store Expo (TSE) was the importance of advocating for pharmacy. NACDS President & CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, outlined several programs under the aegis of the NACDS RxIMPACT program, including RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill.

Pharmacy provider status legislation has 60 percent of Congress not only just supporting it, but cosponsoring the legislation.

During the signature grassroots advoacy event, nearly 500 people industry advocates go to Capitol Hill to communicate pro-patient, pro-pharmacy messages to members of Congress. At this year’s conference in March, advocates met with 480 Congressional offices, which is 90 percent of the entire Congress. NACDS RxIMPACT pharmacy tours also get members of Congress into stores and aware of pharmacy legislative priorities.

NACDS is currently supporting legislation, the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act (H.R. 592/S. 314), which would enable pharmacists to provide services to Medicare patients in underserved communities. Pharmacy provider status legislation has 60 percent of Congress not only just supporting it, but cosponsoring the legislation. Anderson also noted the NACDS RxIMPACT Get-Out-the-Vote campaign, which has successful video ads—“Momentum” and “Effective”—designed to engage advocates and increase voter participation, is pivotal in increasing voter participation and advancing pharmacy issues on Capitol Hill. The ads–branded with #PharmacyVoter–are popular on YouTube.

Some attendees told NACDS staff that the first time they had seen the ads was during the TSE Business Program. Those new to the ads, and those who have seen them but have not yet used them within their companies, are invited to do so to encourage staff to volunteer and vote for the candidates of their choice.

Innovation, Engagement Exemplify 2016 NACDS Total Store Expo

2016-08-11T12:52:26-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

The fourth annual NACDS Total Store Expo (TSE) brought thousands of retailers and suppliers together to see the latest products and learn about emerging technologies and trends in health and wellness, beauty, pharmacy and more.

The TSE offers a cross-industry approach focused on the entire store, and the innovative format has proven to be a success.

On Saturday alone, more than 7,000 Meet the Market meetings took place, jump-starting business transactions that flourished throughout the conference.

NACDS Leaders Speak

During his remarks at the Business Program, NACDS Chairman Martin Otto, chief merchant and chief financial officer of H-E-B, described the ability of pharmacy-based healthcare solutions to help confront an array of socio-economic challenges facing the nation. NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, spoke about NACDS’ effectiveness in putting the “public” back into public policy.

Otto said NACDS has three essential roles: to create a marketplace for suppliers and retailers to get together; to advocate on behalf of pharmacy; and to participate actively in public policy solutions.

Otto noted that access to pharmacy patient care can help to reverse trends in increasing poverty and declining education. He said, “…it’s important that we as an industry help to take the lead in what healthcare and the related pieces look like,” adding that “…we should work very, very hard to provide access to quality, affordable healthcare to all Americans.” He said that spending on healthcare is crowding out spending for education and social services, which increases poverty and creates a vicious cycle. Otto said that because there is not enough money to adequately fund these priorities, Americans need to find ways to spend more wisely. Otto emphasized that there are solutions and, he said, “collectively we can lead the way—and we at NACDS can play a big part in that.”

Anderson described the declining state of political efficacy in the nation – which refers to the people’s belief that they can affect, and have a say in, the direction of the government – and contrasted that with NACDS’ member-focused and patient-centered approach to everything it does. He gave examples of NACDS programs which reflect the Association’s “authenticity of mission and effectiveness in [ READ MORE ]

Prepare for Success at NACDS Total Store Expo!

2016-08-05T12:37:25-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

In order for participants to maximize all the opportunities available at the appointment-based conference, NACDS has put in place a variety of resources and tools on the NACDS Total Store Expo website so participants can come to the event ready to hit the ground running.

NACDS has put in place a variety of resources and tools on the NACDS Total Store Expo website so participants can come to the event ready to hit the ground running.

NACDS-TV provided regular updates leading up to this year’s event with insights on several features, including the highly-rated Meet the Retailer program, Retailer Resources and an essential pre-event Know before You Go video. Not sure what to wear? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to that question and more. Also, be sure to stay tuned to NACDS-TV for ongoing daily highlights from the conference.

Part of being prepared is downloading the NACDS Events app on iTunes or Google Play. The app allows participants to personalize schedules, access up-to-date conference information, search companies and more. Exhibitors can also find information about the Product Showcase, where new products are displayed on the trade show floor.

Direct input from NACDS members drove the creation of the Insight Sessions at the event, featuring presentations by experts on a variety of key healthcare and front-end issues.

The innovative format at the NACDS Total Store Expo provides business partners the edge they need to collaborate productively, with an eye toward the entire store. The conference is about to start—it’s time to execute plans that will deliver on the needs of consumers and pharmacy patients.

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