CDC: Pharmacists Are Front Line of Defense against Opioid Abuse

2016-10-27T15:19:19-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , , |

In an ongoing effort to prevent prescription opioid abuse, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a brochure for pharmacists, “Pharmacists: On the Front Lines—Addressing Prescription Opioid Abuse and Overdose.”

…the CDC is urging pharmacists to fully utilize the vital role they play on the front lines of healthcare delivery…

As one of the most accessible healthcare providers in neighborhoods across the nation, the CDC is urging pharmacists to fully utilize the vital role they play on the front lines of healthcare delivery to communicate with patients to help prevent prescription drug abuse.

The brochure provides helpful prompts to start conversations with patients about their medications and covers ways to recognize patterns which could indicate possible opioid abuse. It also encourages a collaborative approach between pharmacists and prescribers to optimize pain management, while preventing opioid abuse, and emphasizes educating patients about the safe use of opioids, including proper use, side effects and refill requirements.

NACDS Foundation Joins CDC to Fight Antibiotic Resistance

2016-10-27T15:14:20-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

In recognition of antibiotic stewardship programs across the care continuum, the NACDS Foundation will support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) annual one-week observance—Get Smart Week, November 14–20—to raise awareness about the threat of antibiotic resistance and the importance of appropriate antibiotic prescribing.

The CDC has made combating antibiotic resistance a top priority and is partnering with public institutions and private industry to overcome this challenge. The agency has created resources for the initiative, including a Get Smart Week toolkit, fact sheets and other resources, a social media campaign and a partner page where stakeholders can share their plans for the week.

The National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria aims to reduce inappropriate outpatient antibiotic use by 50 percent by 2020. The NACDS Foundation is committed to working with the CDC and other stakeholders to partner in addressing this important public health issue.

NACDS RxIMPACT Urges Voter Engagement Down to the Wire

2016-10-27T09:01:04-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

The 2016 campaign season is coming down to the wire and it will soon be time to exhale and prepare for what comes next: a new Congress and a new administration.

NACDS RxIMPACT has been working overtime to educate the pharmacy community about the significance of election engagement.

During this pivotal lead-up to the election, NACDS RxIMPACT has been working overtime to educate the pharmacy community about the significance of election engagement. Just this week, NACDS RxIMPACT hosted three grassroots training programs at Chapman University School of Pharmacy, Washington State University College of Pharmacy and Nova Southeastern University College of Pharmacy. The trainings aimed to get pharmacy students updated and excited about getting to the polls to vote, and to keep the momentum going with post-election grassroots advocacy.

Be sure to check out NACDS RxIMPACT Votes Election Day resources on registering to vote, learning about candidates, reviewing important election dates and identify polling locations. These resources will equip you with the information you need to identify your candidate of choice and vote on Election Day. An informed voter is an effective voter, so take this opportunity to use all the resources NACDS RxIMPACT has to offer.

Up Your Advocacy Skills before NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill

2016-10-21T23:18:01-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

If there was a way to hone your advocacy skills so you could maximize your success during congressional meetings before coming to Washington, D.C. for NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill next year on March 14-15, 2017, would you do it?

The NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact PLUS program will give you the skills and confidence you need to get the most out of your meetings on Capitol Hill…

Here’s your chance. NACDS has a program to help you deliver NACDS policy messages effectively. The NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact PLUS program will give you the skills and confidence you need to get the most out of your meetings on Capitol Hill and will also get you special recognition at future NACDS RxIMPACT Day On Capitol Hill events once you’ve completed the NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact PLUS Program.

Once you join the NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact PLUS program, you will be able to immediately access short advocacy how-to videos, four recorded webinars (accessible anytime your schedule permits once they are recorded live) with experts on how to make the most of your upcoming Capitol Hill meetings.

In the program, pharmacy advocates elect to “adopt” a member of Congress they would like to establish and build a relationship with. (If you are not sure who to “adopt,” NACDS RxIMPACT will follow up with you personally and help you identify a member of Congress). For more information on the 2017 webinar schedule and to register, visit the NACDS RxIMPACT website.

Election Stress Disorder? Consider NACDS RxIMPACT a Cure

2016-10-20T23:14:45-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

The American Psychological Association last week released a finding from its annual “Stress in America” survey that more than half of adults in the United States feel very or somewhat stressed by the election. Republicans and Democrats are feeling this stress at similar rates. There is even talk of what is formally called Election Stress Disorder.

The only certainty is the vital importance of engagement.

I’m not half kidding when I say that there is a remedy for election-induced stress, and this remedy is to engage in the NACDS RxIMPACT grassroots advocacy program. There are plenty of articles online that offer advice for reducing stress, such as “anxiety will grow if it’s not directed into some positive action” and “courage is not the absence of fear, but taking action in spite of fear.” NACDS RxIMPACT is all about action – specifically, positioning pharmacy for success whatever the outcome of the elections.

For starters, we have 19 days left to continue to demonstrate the political activism of pharmacy through the NACDS RxIMPACT Votes program. Visit to learn how to make an impact; use #PharmacyVoter in social media posts urging to people to vote for the candidates of their choice; and share NACDS’ get-out-the-vote YouTube videos that encourage engagement in the elections even while telling the story of pharmacies as the face of neighborhood healthcare.

Also, make plans now to participate in the 2017 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill, which will be held March 14-15 in Washington, D.C. Last year, advocates met with 90 percent of Congressional offices during this event. There will be a new Administration and some measure of Congressional turnover, so it will be essential to visit the newly elected Senators and Representatives and to maintain visibility of those who are returning to Congress amid ever-changing political dynamics.

There are many other steps that you can take as well through NACDS RxIMPACT, such as engaging as a key contact with a specific member of Congress, hosting a grassroots training session at your company, inviting a member of Congress to tour a pharmacy, and much more.


NACDS Partner Healthcare Ready Prepares for Hurricane Matthew

2016-10-06T13:04:19-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

As the East Coast braces for Hurricane Matthew, NACDS partner Healthcare Ready, a nonprofit that works to protect patient access to healthcare during times of disaster, is monitoring the projection and anticipated impacts of the massive storm.

The group announced that it is preparing to activate Rx Open on October 7—a free, interactive map that shows open and closed pharmacies for both citizens and responders.

Healthcare Ready is coordinating with officials at Federal Emergency Management Agency the Department of Health and Human Services, and in the affected states, to provide assistance. State-specific resources, including guidance on business reentry, can be found on their website. Follow the group on Twitter for updates and, if you become aware of situations that may adversely affect healthcare supply or care in the affected area, or would like to request the assistance of Healthcare Ready, please contact the Healthcare Ready Support Team, or call 1 (866) 247-2694.

Register as a #PharmacyVoter before October 11 Deadline

2016-10-06T13:01:53-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

Is it Election Day yet? No. But the deadline to register to vote—October 11—is fast approaching for the District of Columbia and the following states: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, N.M., Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Texas. NACDS RxIMPACT is calling on you to register to vote on Election Day, November 8.

It is a pivotal time and NACDS RxIMPACT Votes is ready to get you up-to-speed with the #PharmacyVoter get-out-the-vote campaign.

Time is of the essence as 41 states have voter registration deadlines between October 8–24.

It is a pivotal time and NACDS RxIMPACT Votes is ready to get you up-to-speed with the #PharmacyVoter get-out-the-vote campaign. It’s important that you not only register to vote, but also ensure your registration card information matches what is on your personal identification card (driver’s license, passport, etc.). Visit the NACDS RxIMPACT voter registration resource guide to ensure you follow your state’s voter registration requirements.

Also access NACDS RxIMPACT Votes Election Day resources at to register to vote, learn about candidates, review important election dates and identify polling locations. These resources will equip you with the information you need to identify your candidate of choice and vote on Election Day. An informed voter is an effective voter, so take this opportunity to use all the resources NACDS RxIMPACT has to offer and be sure to encourage others to join you as a #PharmacyVoter by using the #PharmacyVoter Social Media Guide!

CDC Recognizes Pharmacy Value, Urges Flu Vaccination

2016-10-06T12:59:51-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) praised pharmacy’s vital role in healthcare delivery in a letter to pharmacists stating that the agency “recognizes and appreciates the increasingly important role that you play in public health, including vaccinating the public against seasonal influenza and other vaccine-preventable diseases.”

In addition to recognizing the public health contributions of pharmacists to a well-functioning “immunization neighborhood,” the letter provides guidance to pharmacists for the influenza season and calls on pharmacists to assess patients’ overall vaccination needs and implement the Standards for Adult Immunization Practice for vaccinations beyond flu.

Study: Pharmacy-Based Heart-Risk Testing a Viable Option

2016-10-06T12:28:36-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

Pharmacies were shown to be an effective alternative to a regular medical exam in testing people for heart-risk conditions such as high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and cholesterol according to a recent study published in the journal Open Heart.

The experimental, pharmacy-based approach included a broad population sample, which helped to identify patients with previously undiagnosed heart-risk conditions. During the study, 30 percent of participants were found to have a heart-risk condition, which prompted pharmacists to recommend a physician consultation to nearly half of them, according to the study.

Significantly, the study also found that younger age groups were underdiagnosed with heart-risk conditions. The study concluded that pharmacies might be a more viable option for younger age groups, who, the study said, favor “the convenience and accessibility” of pharmacy-based services.

Elimination of Measles in Americas Highlights Vaccination Effectiveness

2016-10-06T12:26:39-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently announced that measles has been eliminated in all of the Americas, the first region in the world to have eliminated the highly contagious disease, which primarily affects children.

The ongoing effectiveness of vaccination in combatting diseases illustrates the vital role pharmacy plays in improving patient health and outcomes with preventive, evidence-based approaches.

The WHO credited sustained vaccination campaigns for eliminating the preventable disease in the region.

Before mass vaccinations began in 1980, measles caused more than two million deaths a year worldwide. Vaccines have played a critical role in reducing the threat of the world’s most harmful infectious diseases. Worldwide, measles cases have dropped nearly 80 percent in the last two decades.

News of the elimination of measles in the Americas highlights the effectiveness—and importance—of vaccination and underscores the role pharmacy plays in providing accessible, affordable vaccinations in communities across the U.S.—and the world. A recent survey of 45 countries found that 97 percent of them have community pharmacy locations offering vaccinations, demonstrating the expansion of pharmacy immunizations globally. The WHO estimates that vaccination saves between two and three million lives a year across all age groups.

All 52 states in the U.S. now allow pharmacist-administered vaccinations and NACDS continues to advocate for expanded access to pharmacist-administered adolescent vaccinations, recently collaborating with the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) on presenting a webinar on the importance of timely vaccination for all teens. In addition, NACDS recently presented its second annual national tour to expand pharmacy-based point-of-care testing, which also includes a vital “train-the-trainer” component.

NACDS also remains committed to helping to improve better coordination between public health departments and pharmacies to improve pandemic preparedness—and ensure vaccinating pharmacists are fully utilized during a pandemic. NACDS collaborated with the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on preparing pandemic response resources: a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) template and an Instructional Letter to State Pharmacy Associations, State and Territorial Health Officials, and Pharmacy Providers.

The ongoing effectiveness of vaccination in combatting diseases illustrates [ READ MORE ]

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