In Memoriam: NACDS Mourns Passing, Celebrates Life of Harvey Alstodt
The NACDS family lost a dear friend on June 3, with the passing of Begley Award recipient and industry icon Harvey Alstodt. Alstodt was 84.
The NACDS family lost a dear friend on June 3, with the passing of Begley Award recipient and industry icon Harvey Alstodt. Alstodt was 84.
How community engagement builds staff bonds and bonds within the community - while meeting pressing needs.
“NACDS 2023” continues a bold approach to advancing NACDS members’ “total store, total person” health and wellness vision.
The members make NACDS, just as they have since the inaugural year of 1933. The Association shines when chains and suppliers join together in-person to do the work of the Association, of the industry, and of the American people.
Hot and emerging topics — and critical issues — facing the industry and the nation will be front-and-center.
Next Tuesday’s election will decide a lot – including 435 U.S. Representatives, 35 U.S. Senators, 36 Governors, and more than 6,000 state legislators. Control of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate hang in the balance.
Hurricane Ian struck Florida as a powerful Category 4 hurricane on September 28, leaving widespread damage in its wake. NACDS member companies have been affected by the storm and—in collaboration with public health partners and emergency preparedness authorities— are working to meet the ongoing needs of people affected by the hurricane.
NACDS 2023 is the Association’s commitment to sustain a pro-pharmacy, pro-patient focus while also advancing broad health and wellness solutions throughout the store, through multidisciplinary care, and through community partnerships.
As COVID-19 preparedness enters a new phase, NACDS urges continuity of policies enabling pharmacies to provide key services patients expect and need.
Check out the NACDS Total Store Expo “Know Before You Go” video to hear last-minute preparation tips and to learn how to get the most out of this year’s conference schedule.