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NACDS Meets with CDC and other Stakeholders on Pandemic Readiness

2016-06-23T10:25:22-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

Last week NACDS, with support from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), held a meeting to discuss strategies to improve public-private partnerships, which would lead to earlier and more broadly available pandemic vaccine.

 The public health community works with pharmacists and pharmacies to enhance the delivery of essential immunizations and other medications to advance public health priorities. As the face of neighborhood healthcare, pharmacies and pharmacists offer convenient and accessible patient-centered services every day, and during public health emergencies.

During the meeting, NACDS, CDC, ASTHO, and the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) presented an overview of a formalized Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) template, which outlines a standardized pandemic preparedness approach in community pharmacy.  The draft MOU, vetted by NACDS and other partner organizations, formalizes responsibilities between state-level public health agencies and community pharmacies in pandemic vaccination planning and response, specifically related to federally purchased and procured pandemic vaccine. The process to implement this MOU is currently being piloted with community pharmacies and health departments in Arkansas, Tennessee and Georgia.

Panelists from state health departments and state pharmacy associations highlighted the successful partnerships and pandemic planning work being done in their states: Kentucky, Washington and Michigan.  Following in-depth discussion regarding the barriers and benefits community pharmacies face in planning for pandemics, the CDC closed the meeting by sharing its national vision for pharmacy and public health collaboration and a future scale-up of the pilot project.

Congress Continues to Seek Solutions on Opioid Abuse

2016-06-23T10:23:10-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

Congress continues measures to address the nation’s opioid abuse epidemic. Yesterday, during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Hearing on Oversight of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), senior member and former chairman of the Committee Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) asked DEA Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg what the DEA is doing to implement NACDS-backed legislation, S. 483, the Ensuring Patient Access and Drug Enforcement Act, which was signed into law on April 19, 2016.

 The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Hatch, would increase collaboration among health and enforcement authorities to achieve drug abuse solutions that maintain patients’ legitimate access to medications. Rosenbery said work on implementing the legislation is ongoing.

In another development, Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) introduced S. 3075, the Addiction Prevention and Responsible Opioid Practices Act on June 16. The legislation includes a wide-ranging group of initiatives to reduce the amount of pain medications on the market, and improve prescribing practices. It includes a provision to implement a national drug disposal program, but does not mandate pharmacy participation.  The legislation would also encourage improvements to prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs), but does not require pharmacy consultation of a PDMP for controlled substances.

In advance of the introduction of the legislation, NACDS met with Sen. Durbin’s staff to express concerns about mandatory take back programs, and requiring pharmacists to consult PDMPs. NACDS believes pharmacists should use their professional judgment in this regard.

Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) Learns More about Provider Status Bill at “Government in the Grocery” Event

2016-06-22T10:12:22-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) learned more about provider status legislation–H.R. 592, the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act–during an NACDS RxIMPACT in-district activity, “Government in the Grocery,” hosted by Albertsons Companies.

Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) learned more about provider status legislation–H.R. 592, the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act–during an NACDS RxIMPACT in-district activity, “Government in the Grocery,” hosted by Albertsons Companies in Golden, Colo. The pharmacy team educated the congressman about the NACDS-backed legislation, which would increase access to pharmacist-provided services to underserved Medicare beneficiaries, within pharmacists’ scope of practice. The legislation has been cosponsored by more than 65 percent of the House of Representatives and 45 percent of the Senate.

NACDS, NCPA Urge Congress to Support TRICARE Pilot Program TRICARE pilot would improve beneficiary access to medications and reduce costs

2016-06-15T10:05:11-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: |

Washington, D.C. – The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) and the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) are urging adoption of a key TRICARE provision when House of Representatives and Senate negotiators work to reconcile differences in the House and Senate versions of the FY2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

 In a letter to House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) and Ranking Member Adam Smith (D-WA), NACDS and NCPA expressed support for a TRICARE acquisition cost parity pilot program for community pharmacy, which would provide military families and veterans with the choice of how they get their medications and which also would lower program costs.

The pilot program, which in effect would allow the Department of Defense to access lower pricing for prescriptions dispensed at community pharmacies, is included in the version of the NDAA passed by the House on May 18. The pilot program is not included in the version passed by the Senate yesterday.

In the letter, NACDS and NCPA wrote that while the NDAA is being considered, “…it is important that any changes to reduce TRICARE costs are done without jeopardizing the health and access of the more than nine million beneficiaries, including nearly two million children, relying on the TRICARE program.” NACDS and NCPA also noted that the changes that have occurred in recent years to TRICARE place financial burdens on beneficiaries, restrict patient access and can also have the unintended consequence of reducing medication adherence.

Having acquisition cost parity for retail prescriptions will not only reduce costs, the letter states, “…it will also preserve freedom of choice for TRICARE beneficiaries, improve access by utilizing both chain and small business pharmacies in urban and rural areas, and provide a uniform and consistent pharmacy benefit with less confusion on where to fill prescriptions.” NACDS and NCPA maintain that these benefits from the pilot program will lead to improved patient outcomes and sustained, consistent relationships with local pharmacists.

Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) Discusses Provider Status, Opioid Abuse on Rite Aid Pharmacy Tour in Lancaster, N.Y.

2016-06-08T09:58:46-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , , |

House Energy and Commerce Committee Member Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) participated in an NACDS RxIMPACT pharmacy tour of a Rite Aid in Lancaster, N.Y., on Monday. Photo: Rep. Chris Collins

Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) participated in an NACDS RxIMPACT pharmacy tour of a Rite Aid in Lancaster, N.Y., on Monday. The congressman asked the pharmacy team several questions about the opioid epidemic, which he knows a lot about as a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Collins recently released a statement lauding the House passage of 18 pieces of legislation to combat the nation’s opioid epidemic during the week of May 9, 11 of which were passed out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Collins said, “There is no silver bullet to fix this issue, but the bipartisan legislative items passed this week will help communities across America educate individuals about the dangers of opioid abuse and work to eradicate this severe epidemic.”

The pharmacy team also discussed NACDS-backed legislation, H.R. 592/S. 314, the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act—which would increase access to pharmacist-provided services to underserved Medicare beneficiaries, within pharmacists’ scope of practice. A member of the pharmacy team said, “We greatly enjoyed meeting with our elected official and having this forum to voice our opinions.”

NACDS Congressional Statement Urges Provider Status, MTM NACDS provides hearing statement on strengthening and improving Medicare

2016-06-08T09:54:21-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: |

Arlington, Va. – In a statement today, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) urged members of the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health to focus on policies and innovations that will improve healthcare access and foster healthcare-delivery partnerships.

Expanding access to pharmacist services is a key component to reducing healthcare costs and improving patient outcomes.

As part of its commitment to strengthening and improving Medicare, NACDS asked the Subcommittee to support bipartisan legislation—H.R. 592/S. 314, the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act—which would increase access to pharmacist-provided services to underserved Medicare beneficiaries, within pharmacists’ scope of practice. The legislation has been cosponsored by more than 65 percent of the U.S. House of Representatives and 45 percent of the U.S. Senate.

“The role pharmacists are playing in healthcare delivery continues to expand. In addition to medication adherence services, pharmacists are on the frontline of providing access to health tests, helping patients manage chronic health conditions and expanding immunization services,” said NACDS President & CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. “Expanding access to pharmacist services is a key component to reducing healthcare costs and improving patient outcomes.”

NACDS also voiced support for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation’s (CMMI) Enhanced Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Model Pilot, which would improve the Part D MTM program by increasing outreach and targeting strategies, and ensuring services are in line with beneficiaries’ needs. NACDS urged the lawmakers to help ensure the inclusion of retail community pharmacists in the pilot program to enhance its potential for success.

Because the CMMI Enhanced MTM Model Pilot will begin in 2017, NACDS asked lawmakers to support S. 776, the Medication Therapy Management Empowerment Act of 2015, which would give MTM access to beneficiaries with chronic conditions in the short term before the pilot is implemented.

NACDS emphasized its ongoing commitment to working with Congress, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and other stakeholders to improve access to healthcare services, especially for medically underserved populations.

Giving Back to Those Who Gave All for Freedom

2016-06-02T09:49:58-04:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

Veterans from World War II and the Korean War visiting Washington, D.C. last year as part of Brookshire Grocery Co.’s annual Heroes Flight program, which has brought more than 330 veterans to D.C. to honor their service in commemoration of Memorial Day.

Last week, NACDS President & CEO Steven Anderson, IOM, CAE, asked NACDS members in CEO Issue Update to share what they do to “remember and honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation” in commemoration of Memorial Day. Brookshire Grocery Co. (BGC) responded that this year marks the 12th annual Heroes Flight to Washington, D.C., for seven veterans of World War II and 24 Korean War veterans. BGC provides Heroes Flight to selected veterans at no cost to them so they can visit memorials in the nation’s capital, several of which were erected in their honor. Several BGC employees accompanied the veterans on their journey.

This year, the group visited the World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War memorials on the National Mall, and were led on a tour of the Capitol by Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX). The veterans also got to participate in the Changing of the Guard ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery and visited the U.S. Marines, Navy and Airforce memorials, in addition to other landmarks. BGC began the program in 2010 and since then more than 330 veterans from Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas have participated in the trips.

Veterans are a part of all our lives and it is imperative to remember and acknowledge the sacrifices they made to keep our country safe—and free. Veterans often serve without asking for anything in return, which makes this YouTube video of last year’s Heroes Flight so touching. One veteran modestly recounts the actions his team took that led to each of them receiving medals for bravery, and another recalls the loss of his brother in World War II, a painful reminder of the ultimate cost of war.

Members of the veterans’ communities gathered at Love Field in Dallas to send the veterans off on their journey to D.C. on May 30, and welcomed them home yesterday—smiling, applauding and expressing gratitude for [ READ MORE ]

Congressional In-District Work Period Advances Grassroots Efforts

2016-06-02T09:39:13-04:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

Members of Congress are currently home for in-district work periods, which happen about nine times during every session of Congress. A typical recess lasts one to two weeks, while the August in-district work period usually lasts for the entire month.

 NACDS RxIMPACT makes the most of these excellent opportunities to coordinate pharmacy advocates with lawmakers when they are back home to educate them on pharmacy legislative priorities.

The NACDS RxIMPACT grassroots advocacy program hosted five recent events, bringing the total for 2016 to 31. The events range from in-district meetings to town halls, where advocates can call attention to an issue or particular legislation and send a message to their members of Congress. When legislators come back to D.C., NACDS will continue advocating for issues surrounding TRICARE, pain medications, drug take back and more.

Here is a list of the most recent NACDS RxIMPACT activities, which proliferated during this recent congressional in-district work period:

  • Rite Aid Corporation—House Energy & Commerce Committee Member Rep.  Tony Cardenas (D-CA) (staff)—Panorama City, Calif.—pharmacy tour
  • Rite Aid Corporation—Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)—Augusta, Ken.—meet-and-greet
  • Walmart—House Armed Services Committee Member Rep. Steve Russell (R-OK)—Oklahoma City, Okla.—town hall
  • Fred’s Pharmacy–Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA)—Baton Rouge, La.—town hall
  • Walmart—House Armed Services Committee Member Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX)—El Paso, Texas—town hall

NACDS Foundation Launches Zika Prevention Online Webinar March of Dimes Foundation, University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy share insights in program accredited by Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education

2016-05-27T21:11:29-04:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: |

Arlington, Va. – The NACDS Foundation today launched “Zika Prevention Strategies: Patient & Community Health” – an online webinar featuring the expert content from a live webinar presented on May 25.

We appreciate the partnership on this online webinar, which will foster much-needed education on this urgent issue.

The online webinar features presentations by Paul E. Jarris, MD, MBA, senior vice president, maternal child health, March of Dimes Foundation, and Jeffrey Bratberg, PharmD, BCPS, clinical professor of pharmacy practice, University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy. This course provides pharmacists with knowledge surrounding the zika virus, risks associated, prevention techniques and how to utilize behavioral counseling to ensure patients are reducing contraction and transmission of the Zika Virus.

“The NACDS Foundation appreciates the leadership and expertise of our presenters and everyone at the March of Dimes Foundation and the University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy for helping to develop this high-quality CE program in a timely fashion, given the pressing needs associated with the Zika Virus,” said NACDS Foundation President Kathleen Jaeger. “We appreciate their partnership on this online webinar, which will foster much-needed education on this urgent issue.”

The webinar and the continuing education (CE) credit are open to all interested parties. One hour of CE credit will be available for this program, which is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). Interested participants will find information on a dedicated page on the Learner Community website.

The NACDS Foundation’s online webinar complements the organization’s radio messages and online displays in Puerto Rico that encourage women and their families to seek advice from physicians and pharmacists about ways to protect themselves and their unborn children from the effects of Zika.

Photo with Caption: The March of Dimes Foundation’s Paul E. Jarris and the NACDS Foundation’s Kathleen Jaeger, at a Zika-related National Press Club event on May 26, 2016, featuring Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden.

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