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NACDS Welcomes Return of Pharmacist Provider Status Bill in Senate Urges “acceleration” of effort to use pharmacist services to enhance the quality, accessibility and affordability of patient care

2017-01-12T22:18:00-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Arlington, Va. – The Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act (S. 109) was reintroduced today with the bipartisan original co-sponsorship of more than one-quarter of the U.S. Senate. The return of the legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives also is anticipated shortly. The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) strongly backs the legislation.

We want today’s bill re-introduction to serve as an acceleration, and not just a continuation, of the campaign to enhance the quality, accessibility and affordability of patient care through pharmacist-provided services.

“NACDS truly appreciates the leadership of Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) in re-introducing the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act as lead sponsors,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. “NACDS thanks all of the 27 Senators who have made a powerful statement about this legislation by signing on as original cosponsors and sustaining this bill’s momentum from the 114th Congress into the current 115th Congress.

“We consider this bill’s swift and strong re-introduction a credit to these leaders in Congress, a credit to pro-patient and pro-pharmacy advocates, and a credit to the powerful story of pharmacies as the face of neighborhood healthcare. We want today’s bill re-introduction to serve as an acceleration, and not just a continuation, of the campaign to enhance the quality, accessibility and affordability of patient care through pharmacist-provided services.”

The bill would allow underserved Medicare patients to receive certain services from pharmacists, in states in which pharmacists already are permitted to administer the functions. Examples of these services include immunizations; helping seniors manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart conditions and asthma; conducting wellness or prevention testing; and helping seniors take their medications correctly and as prescribed. Nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants currently can provide these services through Medicare.

“Pharmacists remain among the most highly trusted professionals. That, combined with their extensive education and accessibility, create tremendous opportunities for patient care,” Anderson said.

To sit for pharmacy Board licensure exams, candidates must have a Doctor of Pharmacy degree (PharmD), which requires a minimum of six years of professional education. Highly-educated pharmacists are tremendously [ READ MORE ]

NACDS Previews “Pharmacy Outlook 2017” in Chain Drug Review Call to action includes engagement in NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill

2017-01-11T14:32:53-05:00Categories: Article|Tags: , , , , |

The opening line of an NACDS-authored article in the January 2, 2017, edition of Chain Drug Review says it all. “I will spare you the introductory paragraph that attempts eloquence,” writes NACDS President & CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. “Let’s get right to the point. In NACDS’ view, 2017 could be one of the most pivotal years in healthcare policy and in pharmacy patient care.”

NACDS already is waging a two-front campaign related to the ACA.

While NACDS’ article on the policy outlook for the coming year has become somewhat of an annual tradition, its content this time around is decidedly untraditional. For example, Anderson noted the importance of continuing to bird-dog the implementation of pharmacy provisions of the Affordable Care Act and its subsequent Executive Branch rules, while at the same time advocating for pharmacy’s perspective amid emerging efforts to somehow repeal and replace the law.

“NACDS already is waging a two-front campaign related to the ACA,” Anderson noted.

The article also describes NACDS’ work on issues related to provider status for pharmacists; scope of practice; TRICARE and more. In addition, Anderson urges participation in NACDS RxIMPACT grassroots programs, which have become essential to telling pharmacy’s story to government leaders and to earning progress on a pro-patient and pro-pharmacy agenda.

Calling on pharmacy advocates to match the amazing results of the 2016 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill – when they met with 90 percent of the U.S. Congress – Anderson declared that “pharmacy’s engagement is needed to defend and advance pharmacy patient care.”

The 2017 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill will be held March 14 and 15 in Washington, D.C.

The article that starts with a plain-spoken assessment of the public policy stakes in 2017 concludes with similar candor regarding the importance of NACDS’ flagship grassroots advocacy event: “For the good of your business and the patients you serve, you need to be there – perhaps like never before.”

NACDS Urges Senate to Prevent Consumer-Safety Risks of Prescription Drug Importation Maintains commitment to safer methods of expanding access to prescription medications in safe, affordable and effective ways

2017-01-10T08:36:23-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: |

Arlington, Va. – The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) has written to all 100 U.S. Senators to articulate the perils of allowing importation of prescription drugs. NACDS made its case in anticipation of proposed amendments to the budget resolution (S. Con. Res. 3) that the Senate is considering this week.

Maintains commitment to safer methods of expanding access to prescription medications in safe, affordable and effective ways

NACDS described the ways in which importation undermines the prescription drug safety net, and noted additional risks that include increased chances of counterfeit, the lack of recall communications, and the lack of a consumer’s ability to talk with a pharmacist about the medications.

In the letters, NACDS wrote:

“NACDS shares the goal of reducing the cost of prescription drugs, including through the promotion of generic drugs as safe, cost-effective alternatives for many patients. In fact, increasing the use of generic drugs is one of the most effective ways to minimize prescription drug costs.  

“However, we do not believe that consumer safety can be ensured in any system that allows for the personal or commercial importation of prescription medications. The United States has an extensive safety net of federal and state laws to ensure that prescription drugs are manufactured, stored, shipped, dispensed and used in a safe manner. That safety net is eliminated, however, when prescription drugs are imported from foreign suppliers. 

“Drugs coming into the United States from foreign websites and mail order operations are not subject to U.S. regulation, nor are they subject to regulation in the country from which they originate. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated that it: ‘cannot ensure the safety and effectiveness of products that are not FDA-approved and come from unknown sources and foreign locations, or that may not have been manufactured under proper conditions. These unknowns put patients’ health at risk if they cannot be sure of the products identity, purity, and source. For these reasons, FDA recommends only obtaining medicines from legal sources in the U.S.’

“Additionally, the potential for counterfeit drugs being mailed into the U.S. from foreign Internet sites offering prescription drugs is very high. Further, if a [ READ MORE ]

Senate Makes First Move on ACA Deconstruction

2017-01-06T13:17:42-05:00Categories: Article|Tags: , , |

The Senate Budget Committee has made the first move in changing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as we know it.

On Tuesday, the panel – chaired by Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) – introduced a resolution that provides “reconciliation instructions” to various Senate and House committees, essentially allowing the panels to take apart the ACA as expeditiously as possible and with only a simple-majority vote.

Under the resolution, the House Ways and Means Committee, the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the Senate Finance Committee, and the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, would report legislation by January 27 to the Budget Committee in their respective chambers of Congress. The legislative provisions would be melded into bills that would be considered by the full House and by the full Senate.

All of this could be set into motion by potential votes on the budget resolution in the House and Senate next week.

NACDS and allied associations continue to advocate for a pro-patient and pro-pharmacy approach to any related modifications to pharmacy reimbursement in government programs.

NACDS Regional Chain Conference is Almost Here–February 5-7

2017-01-03T14:38:50-05:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

Participants at the NACDS Regional Chain Conference meet to share ideas on pharmacy, health and wellness, and front-end issues of significance for regional chains and suppliers alike.

The NACDS Regional Chain Conference–February 5-7 in Palm Beach, Fla.–is the place to be for idea-sharing on a range of issues including pharmacy, health and wellness, and front-end issues that are of importance to regional chains and suppliers alike. Appointment-driven one-to-one business meetings between chain executives and key supplier trading partners set the stage for developing profitable marketing ideas and strengthening existing relationships. The expansive selection of programming is designed to ensure participants are ahead of industry trends. The timing of the Conference is also ideal for political analysis, as significant events take place in Washington, D.C., this month. The 115th Congress was sworn in on January 3, 2017, and the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States will take place on January 20.

More information about the Conference is available on the NACDS Regional Chain Conference website.

Pharmacists Rank Second Again among Gallup’s Most Trusted Professionals Top-three recognition for 14th straight year shows importance of pursuing a pro-pharmacy, pro-patient policy agenda, NACDS says

2016-12-21T11:53:35-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

Arlington, Va. – Gallup’s highly-anticipated Honesty and Ethics survey ranks pharmacists second again this year—behind only nurses—and in the top three for the 14th straight year.

The takeaway for policymakers is that the pharmacist-patient relationship has tremendous potential to do even more to improve patient health and well-being, along with the overall quality and affordability of healthcare.

The annual survey measures the public’s trust of diverse professions in healthcare and beyond.

“The rating that pharmacists earned in this annual Gallup survey is built on established pharmacist-patient relationships in neighborhoods throughout the nation. The takeaway for policymakers is that the pharmacist-patient relationship has tremendous potential to do even more to improve patient health and well-being, along with the overall quality and affordability of healthcare,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE.

“Heading into 2017, NACDS will advocate for improving patient access to pharmacists’ services by designating pharmacists as providers in Medicare; optimizing patient care through enhanced scope of practice for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians alike; and continuously working for reasonable reimbursement levels and other policies that are essential for the viability of pharmacy patient care.”

Anderson noted that at the end of the 114th Congress, federal legislation to improve access to pharmacist-provided services among underserved Medicare patients (S. 314/H.R. 592) was cosponsored on a bipartisan basis for two-thirds of the U.S. House of Representatives and one-half of the U.S. Senate. He also noted the importance of keeping pharmacy top-of-mind amid any efforts to alter the Affordable Care Act, as pharmacy groups urged in a letter this week to the new administration and to Congressional leaders.

The exact question Gallup asked survey participants was: “Please tell me how you would rate the honesty and ethical standards of people in these different fields—very high, high, average, low or very low?” For pharmacists, 67 percent said “very high” or “high.” For nurses, 84 percent responded in that way. Medical doctors ranked third, followed by engineers.

The Gallup findings are consistent with NACDS’ opinion research. In a survey last month of likely voters who are highly aware and engaged in current events – commissioned by NACDS and conducted by Public Opinion Strategies – pharmacies achieved [ READ MORE ]

Pharmacy Associations Highlight Pro-Patient Priorities Amid ACA Review Letter to president- and vice president-elect, congressional leadership emphasizes pharmacy access to improve patient outcomes and prevent higher healthcare costs

2016-12-19T09:29:52-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , , |

Washington, D.C. – In a letter to the new power structure in Washington, D.C., the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS), the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA), the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), and the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA) have detailed steps necessary to leverage pharmacy patient care and prevent higher costs that result from untreated conditions.

 “As the incoming Administration and Congress consider potential changes to the Medicare and Medicaid programs, we ask that you ensure that beneficiary access to pharmacies is protected. Policies that reduce local pharmacy access lead to poorer health outcomes, ultimately resulting in increased future healthcare costs,” the associations wrote to President-elect Donald Trump, Vice President-elect Mike Pence, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY), Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan (R-WI), and House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

The letter highlighted:

  • the accessibility of pharmacists;
  • their role in boosting medication adherence, which relates to taking medications as prescribed;
  • the importance of maintaining patients’ choice of pharmacies;
  • the importance of assuring fair and accurate Medicaid pharmacy reimbursement, according to average manufacturer price (AMP)-based federal upper limits (FULs) that were enacted in the Affordable Care Act; and
  • opportunities to build on pharmacists’ vaccination success story by improving patient access to pharmacist services for underserved Medicare beneficiaries.

“Nearly all Americans (91%) live within five miles of a community pharmacy. As Americans’ most convenient and accessible healthcare provider, we look forward to continuing to work with you to ensure that Medicare and Medicaid patients can continue to receive cost-effective pharmacy services. As the demand for healthcare services continues to grow, pharmacists have expanded their role by collaborating with physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers to meet patients’ needs,” the associations wrote.

While noting the opportunities that exist in newer pharmacist-provided services, the associations emphasized that jeopardizing pharmacy access for medication services threatens health outcomes and healthcare affordability.

The associations explained, “The importance of medication-related services and maintaining access to community pharmacists for the Medicare and Medicaid populations cannot be overstated. Improving medication adherence can help Congress achieve its goals of better managing care for Medicare and [ READ MORE ]

NACDS, Stakeholders Urge Congress to Support Provider Status Bill

2016-12-14T15:27:41-05:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

NACDS is proactively urging support in the 115th Congress for the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act (H.R. 592/S. 314), which would increase access to state-approved pharmacy services for underserved Medicare patients.

The letter provides compelling reasons to support the bill, noting that with 30 million Americans set to enroll in Medicare over the next two decades, it will be harder for patients to access care in their communities…

As part of The Patient Access to Pharmacists Care Coalition, NACDS RxIMPACT launched a membership-wide grasstops campaign to encourage NACDS member companies to build congressional support for the re-introduction of the legislation in January 2017. There is also a letter currently circulating in the House of Representatives from Reps. Brett Guthrie (R-KY) and G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) urging their colleagues to support the legislation by becoming original cosponsors of the bill, which at the end of the 114th Congress had 296 cosponsors in the House and 51 in the Senate, an excellent show of bipartisan and bicameral support.

When the 115th Congress convenes in January, it will welcome 63 newly-elected members of Congress from 28 states. The letter provides compelling reasons to support the bill, noting that with 30 million Americans set to enroll in Medicare over the next two decades, it will be harder for patients to access care in their communities and the impact will be felt by those who can least afford it: the nation’s medically underserved populations. Emphasizing pharmacy’s untapped potential for underserved populations, the letter states that 86 percent of Americans live within five miles of a pharmacy.

There are currently nine cosponsors in the Senate and 35 in the House who have agreed to cosponsor the legislation in the 115th Congress.

Understanding Millennial Engagement and Advocacy

2016-12-14T15:23:31-05:00Categories: Article|Tags: |

Last month, Achieve, a research and marketing agency for causes, released The Millennial Impact Report Retrospective: Five Years of Trends. The study provides insight into millennials’ attitudes towards cause-engagement, volunteering, and donations.

It also includes overviews of the platforms and channels that millennials use for interactions with organizations.

The study’s 2016 post-election survey of millennials found that 78 percent of millennial survey respondents reported voting in the presidential election and that their top three issues were employment/wages (32 percent), the economy (29 percent) and—significantly—healthcare (27 percent). The retrospective and the upcoming 2016 research are a useful guide for developing millennial outreach strategies.

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