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New Records to be Set at 2017 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill Pharmacy advocates to bring proactive “Access Agenda” to Washington, D.C. March 14-15

2017-02-22T14:26:35-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , |

Arlington, Va. – When pharmacy advocates visit their U.S. Senators and Representatives in Washington, D.C. as part of the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill, they will do so with record levels of participation and with a genuine offer to help advance sound public policy and to improve patients’ access to quality care.

In many ways, accessibility and trust go hand-in-hand, and the accessibility and trust of pharmacies mean they are truly ‘there’ for patients in neighborhoods across the nation.

In its ninth year, NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill will bring together NACDS members, pharmacy students and faculty, state pharmacy association representatives and other advocates on March 14 and 15, 2017.

“With healthcare front-and-center again in the national debate, we look forward to offering a vital ‘Access Agenda,’ authentically conveyed by the very people who make pharmacies the trusted face of neighborhood healthcare,” said NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE.

“The amazing participation will demonstrate pharmacy’s dedication on the front lines of patient care every day, as well as pharmacy’s commitment to engaging in public policy solutions that work for patients, for collaborators throughout the healthcare delivery system, and for the nation.”

During last year’s event, advocates met with 90 percent of House and Senate offices. In 2017, the nearly 400 expected participants will sustain this level of impact, with even stronger participation according to several key measurements:

·        47 states represented – the highest level to date

·        45 colleges and schools of pharmacy represented – the highest level to date

·        33 percent of all NACDS chain member companies represented – the highest level to date

·        54 percent of participants are new recruits.

“We look forward to presenting insights about the cost-effective prescription drug benefit in Medicaid and in Medicare, which are important to keep in mind given the current discussions of potential changes to the Affordable Care Act. We also will discuss the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act (H.R. 592 and S. 109), which would be a positive step forward for improving healthcare access for medically underserved Medicare patients. In addition, advocates will provide their first-hand experiences on other issues that are essential [ READ MORE ]

New Study Highlights Success of Programs Like NACDS RxIMPACT

2017-02-16T15:12:29-05:00Categories: Photo|Tags: |

NACDS RxIMPACT hosted its first NACDS RxIMPACT Training of the year—Magnify Your Advocacy Power as a Key Contact—for 200 pharmacy advocates at the Minnesota Pharmacists Association (MPhA) Legislative Day in St. Paul, Minn., this week.

study released by the Congressional Management Foundation this week emphasizes that active, informed and prepared grassroots advocates can make their voices heard in Congress and effectively influence legislators. The findings bolster the great work NACDS RxIMPACT program does in engaging, training and mobilizing pharmacy advocates—in Washington, and in congressional districts across the country.

The study’s research found that more than 90 percent of congressional staffers said that in-person visits from constituents have a sizable influence on lawmakers, including ones who are undecided on issues. The study also found that 91 percent of congressional staffers said including information about the local impact of legislation was very helpful and that it is important for advocates to be prepared with a specific ask from legislators. Staffers also emphasized that personal stories resonate extremely well with lawmakers.   Seventy-one percent of staffers said getting to know staff members with jurisdiction over their issue area was effective, and 62 percent recommended getting to know congressional staffers in the lawmakers’ in-district offices.

The NACDS RxIMPACT grassroots advocacy program has led the industry for years—providing just the kinds of platforms outlined in the study for grassroots advocates to successfully engage on behalf of pharmacy. NACDS RxIMPACT programs include RxIMPACT Pharmacy ToursNACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill, the RxIMPACT Training Program and RxIMPACT Votes. In addition the RxIMPACT U Academy provides training opportunities for pharmacy students to get a jumpstart on engaging with policy makers about important issues that will impact the future of their profession. And the NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact program is designed specifically to build and foster ongoing relationships with members of Congress so key pharmacy legislative priorities are on their radar and they understand their importance.

The program’s signature event, NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill, is fast approaching—March 14-15—and last year participants met with 90 percent of congressional [ READ MORE ]

NACDS RxIMPACT Calls for Support of Texas Medication Synchronization Bills

2017-02-16T13:48:00-05:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

NACDS RxIMPACT is mobilizing a campaign urging support in Texas for legislation introduced by Sens. Dawn Buckingham (R), Charles Schwertner (R), Donna Campbell (R), Craig Estes (R) and Rep. John Frullo (R)—S.B. 697 and H.B. 1296—that will enable patients to synchronize the fill date of their prescription medications so they can order and receive all of their prescriptions on the same day each month instead of having to make multiple visits to the pharmacy.

Many of our senior patients have limited mobility and low income. Passage of the Prescription Drug Synchronization bill would help improve medication compliance.

NACDS RxIMPACT issued an alert yesterday urging advocates in Texas to generate support for the bill by writing their legislators.

NACDS is part of the Medication Synchronization Coalition in Texas, which also sent letters to lawmakers in the Texas Senate and House urging support for the bills. In the letters, the coalition pointed to several studies which have shown that medication synchronization has enhanced patient communication with healthcare teams and markedly improved medication adherence.

Anecdotal evidence also supports medication synchronization. Paul Howell, RPh, pharmacy manager at H-E-B in Harker Heights, Tex., said, “Many of our senior patients have limited mobility and low income. Passage of the Prescription Drug Synchronization bill would help improve medication compliance. This would lead to lower downstream costs due to fewer hospitalizations as well as an overall improvement in quality of life.  I have had patients literally forget about one of their medications because of confusion of when and what they are picking up from the pharmacy.”

Medication synchronization practices also help to reduce costs. Poor medication adherence costs the U.S. healthcare system $290 billion annually, which accounts for about 13 percent of total healthcare expenditures and results in increased emergency room visits, hospital stays and other costly and avoidable repercussions.

Healthcare Changes at the Top: HHS Secretary Confirmed; CMS Administrator Nominee Faces Senate Hearing

2017-02-15T15:05:20-05:00Categories: Article|Tags: , , |

Significant steps in a changing healthcare environment are unfolding in Washington. The Senate approved the nomination of Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) last week in a 52-47 vote as the next Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). In related news, Seema Verma, nominee for Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), is set to appear before the Senate Committee on Finance for her confirmation hearing on February 16.

Collaboration is absolutely essential to maximize the potential of the healthcare delivery system, and to prevent policies that stifle it.

Verma, a healthcare consultant, notably has worked with state governments on implementing Medicaid expansion after enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Price was sworn in as Secretary hours after he was confirmed. He is now charged with leading President Trump’s efforts to dismantle key parts of the ACA. Price, an orthopedic surgeon who practiced surgery for nearly 20 years, has been a member of Congress since 2005, serving most recently as chairman of the House Budget Committee.

NACDS expressed support and a willingness to collaborate with Price and Verma when their nominations were announced late last year, and issued a statement from NACDS CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. Anderson said, “NACDS welcomes the nominations of Congressman Tom Price to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services and Seema Verma to serve as Administrator of CMS. We are enthusiastic to help leverage pharmacy to improve Americans’ health and well-being.”

Anderson added, “Collaboration is absolutely essential to maximize the potential of the healthcare delivery system, and to prevent policies that stifle it. NACDS looks forward to engaging completely in the ongoing work of developing and implementing solutions that benefit American patients and consumers.”

As pharmacy looks to expand its role in healthcare delivery, it is promising that Price has already expressed support for pharmacists—specifically in terms of provider status. During his Senate confirmation hearing, in response to a question from Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), Price said, “Paying pharmacists in underserved areas to engage in certain medical services could work well in those states where pharmacists have such licensure and a setting appropriate to the services, where primary care doctors continue to be involved in [ READ MORE ]

NACDS, Kinney Drugs’ Mike Duteau Meet with Gov. Phil Scott (R-VT) on Immunizations and Medicaid Reimbursement

2017-02-09T12:50:01-05:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , , |

This week NACDS’ Anne Fellows and Mike Duteau, vice president of Business Development and Strategic Relations for Kinney Drugs Inc., met with Gov. Phil Scott (R-VT) during the Vermont Association of Chain Drug Stores’ 2017 Legislative Lobby Day. Attendees met with Gov. Scott to discuss several initiatives, including expansion of pharmacist immunization authority and plans for the state to comply with requirements in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Covered Outpatient Drugs Final Rule. The Final Rule addresses key areas of Medicaid drug reimbursement and changes made to the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program by the Affordable Care Act.

Pharmacy’s Potential Front and Center at NACDS Regional Chain Conference

2017-02-09T12:28:00-05:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

The value pharmacy brings—and its potential to step up in a rapidly shifting healthcare landscape—stood out at this week’s innovative and collaborative NACDS Regional Chain Conference. The conference provided a leading-edge forum to explore business-to-business partnerships and a public policy agenda that is focused on solutions in healthcare policy, which will benefit patient outcomes and reduce overall healthcare costs.

I think NACDS runs the best meetings…it’s very productive for us, and this marketplace function is essential.

NACDS Chairman of the Board Martin Otto, chief merchant and chief financial officer of H-E-B, spoke of the challenges ahead in the industry and healthcare delivery. Otto outlined NACDS’ role in addressing these challenges as threefold:

  • Provide a supplier and retailer marketplace. “I think NACDS runs the best meetings…it’s very productive for us, and this marketplace function is essential.”
  • Advocate for pharmacy. “I look at the key elements as being access, cost and quality.”
  • Participate and lead in public policy solutions for healthcare. “We need end-to-end solutions for healthcare…[which will] create solutions for the industry, for healthcare, for patients, and for pharmacy.”

Otto also urged participants to engage in the NACDS RxIMPACT on Capitol Hill, March 14-15. He said, “It’s a chance for hundreds of us to go meet with the different legislators, both in the House and the Senate…and my hope is that everybody here will participate and spread the word and get everybody that you know who is not here to participate as well because it really does make a difference.” Otto cited his firsthand experience as a participant of the conference, and said, “I’ve seen a dramatic difference in the level of education on the part of the legislators in terms of what they know about our industry and what pharmacy can do.”

NACDS Regional Chain Conference Chairman Kristin Williams, senior vice president and chief health officer of Hy-Vee, Inc., said, “This conference is about sharing, collaboration and discussion on the issues and opportunities now and in the future.” She noted that the conference was very timely, especially given the current uncertainties in healthcare, and emphasized that pharmacy is well-equipped to develop solutions that will address the growing needs of [ READ MORE ]

Hy-Vee’s Kristin Williams Delivers Remarks at the NACDS Regional Chain Conference

2017-02-06T13:27:37-05:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

Kristin Williams, senior vice president and chief health officer of Hy-Vee, Inc., and NACDS Regional Chain Conference chair, delivered remarks this morning during the Opening General Session of the NACDS Regional Chain Conference in Palm Beach, Fla.

Kristin Williams, senior vice president and chief health officer of Hy-Vee, Inc., and NACDS Regional Chain Conference chair, delivered remarks at this morning’s Opening General Session at the NACDS Regional Chain Conference. Williams said, “This meeting and the topics addressed in the coming days could not be timelier with the current uncertainties in the healthcare industry. Regional chains are well equipped to face these challenges and develop innovative solutions for retail community pharmacy. We deliver personalized care, we adapt to emerging community needs and pilot new products and services in partnership with the suppliers gathered here today.”

View more photos on the NACDS Regional Chain Conference Flickr album.

Pharmacy-Based Solutions to National Uncertainties Emerge as Key Theme at NACDS Regional Chain Conference

2017-02-06T11:02:40-05:00Categories: Press Release|Tags: , , |

Palm Beach, Fla. – At the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) Regional Chain Conference today, the Association’s leadership made the case for pharmacy’s pivotal role in the national dialogue about healthcare, and for NACDS’ essential value in advancing a pro-pharmacy and pro-patient agenda.

Healthcare sectors don’t understand each other’s situations. That’s a prerequisite for collaboration and for development of an end-to-end solution, and to educate legislators and regulators. NACDS is helping to identify these end-to-end solutions, benefiting total healthcare, patients and pharmacy.

The NACDS Regional Chain Conference brings together traditional drug and grocery chains with between four and 250 locations, and their supplier partners who help to meet consumers’ needs in health and wellness and throughout the store.

The following are representative quotes from the this morning’s Opening General Session:

Kristin Williams, senior vice president, chief health officer, Hy-Vee, Inc., NACDS Regional Chain Conference chair:

“This meeting and the topics addressed in the coming days could not be timelier with the current uncertainties in the healthcare industry. Regional chains are well equipped to face these challenges and develop innovative solutions for retail community pharmacy. We deliver personalized care, we adapt to emerging community needs and pilot new products and services in partnership with the suppliers gathered here today.”

Martin Otto, chief merchant and chief financial officer, H-E-B, NACDS chairman of the Board:

“We need to participate by leading public policy solutions for healthcare. We need long-term, end-to-end thinking about healthcare, its connection to other spending needs, and how individual actions affect the overall situation … Healthcare sectors don’t understand each other’s situations. That’s a prerequisite for collaboration and for development of an end-to-end solution, and to educate legislators and regulators. NACDS is helping to identify these end-to-end solutions, benefiting total healthcare, patients and pharmacy.”

Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, NACDS president and CEO:

“Companies and associations are going to have to totally change how they address issues in health policy, and in the political world that elects the leaders that establish the policy in which we are involved. I think associations are going to need to be fleet of foot, flexible, smart, shrewd, astute, [ READ MORE ]

NACDS Recognized with Two Awards for Sustainability Initiatives

2017-02-02T15:46:49-05:00Categories: Photo|Tags: , |

It’s said that an association should reflect its membership, and that is the case when it comes to NACDS’ sustainability initiatives. NACDS was among 231 U.S.-based organizations to receive a 2017 Best Workplaces for Commuters designation this week, which recognizes employers that offer exceptional employer-provided commuter benefits that meet the National Standard of Excellence criteria. To be designated among the nation’s Best Workplaces for Commuters, employers must provide benefits that result in at least 14 percent of their employees no longer driving alone to and from work within a 12-month period. Additionally, this week NACDS Vice President of Human Resources & Administration Dawn Worthington (left) accepted the Arlington County Transportation Gold Champions Award on behalf of NACDS.

NACDS’ New Government Affairs VP Brings In-Depth Policy Expertise

2017-02-02T15:43:02-05:00Categories: Article|Tags: , |

Bill Tighe, NACDS vice president of federal government affairs, most recently served as chief of staff for Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA). Tighe’s policy expertise, forged on Capitol Hill where he led top congressional offices as chief of staff, positions him well to serve as NACDS’ lead legislative advocate for community pharmacy.

“We have a great message to take to legislators. Pharmacy has a great story to tell. We’re trusted and visible in our communities, and it’s great that NACDS members will be here in Washington to tell legislators pharmacy’s story.”

NACDS.org caught up with him this week to discuss his thoughts on healthcare policy, what brought him to D.C., and more.

Q: Where are you from originally?

A: I’m from Newton Township, a small town outside of Scranton, Pa.

Q: What made you interested in a career in politics?

A: I decided that I wanted to work on Capitol Hill when I was in eighth grade. I learned a lot about politics from listening to my grandparents and my great aunts and uncles argue about politics. I decided I wanted to work on Capitol Hill before I knew what anyone did there. I started as a staff assistant and eventually became the chief of staff for my hometown congressman, Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA).

Q: When did you come to D.C.?

A: In July of 2000, right after I graduated from Bucknell University. Now I have a family here—a wife and three sons who are ten, eight and six.

Q: What aspects of healthcare policy do you find particularly compelling?

A: There isn’t one particular aspect; it has more to do with how the policy and the policies we make here at the federal level affect people. There’s a direct line between what we do and the experiences that people have—whether it’s in a hospital or a doctor’s office or at a pharmacy. Healthcare is really something that people feel immediately when Washington makes changes.

Q: What would you consider your guiding principle professionally?

A: I learned a lot about loyalty from my former boss, Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA). Loyalty is tough to come by in politics, but it is his guide star. It’s not a blind loyalty, but it’s learning to [ READ MORE ]

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