NACDS RxIMPACT is the grassroots advocacy program that empowers pharmacists, student pharmacists, pharmacy school faculty, pharmacy technicians, other pharmacy personnel and patients to take a stand for better healthcare. The multi-faceted program empowers advocates to contact members of Congress on pivotal issues, meet with members of Congress in Washington, D.C., in their offices back home, or in pharmacy tours, participate in grassroots training sessions, engage in political campaigns, and more.

To learn more about any of these programs, please contact Heidi Ecker, Vice President of Government, Political, & Digital Engagement via email at

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Breaking News

This section is a collection of news updates and articles affiliated with NACDS RxIMPACT.

Register to Receive NACDS RxIMPACT Email Updates

If you haven’t been receiving our email updates about the latest happenings in the U.S. Congress, your state legislature, and the upcoming 2024 elections, NACDS RxIMPACT invites you to join the NACDS RxIMPACT Team to receive your email updates today. See firsthand what it is like to join a community of thousands of patients, pharmacists, student pharmacists, and executives representing front and backend interests also dedicated to promoting services and resources that contribute to quality patient healthcare!


Designed to educate the pharmacy community about voter registration, ongoing campaign volunteerism, and turning out to vote, NACDS RxIMPACT Votes helps pharmacy teams and their patients get involved in the election process. This nonpartisan “Get Out the Vote” (GOTV) campaign gives advocates the tools they need to register to vote, volunteer on a campaign to build candidate relationships before and after their election, and vote on Election Day.

NACDS RxIMPACT Pharmacy Tour Program

Become part of a local effort to educate our nation’s policymakers with a tour of your pharmacy! We’re looking for a ‘few good pharmacies’ to help us show policymakers and their staff, first-hand, the complexities of the pharmacy business. This program engages interested pharmacies, educates advocates about timely policy issues, reviews effective policymaker communications, and walks you through how to host a pharmacy tour.

NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill

NACDS hosts this ground-breaking event that brings advocates from across the nation to Washington, DC to educate Members of Congress about the importance of pro-pharmacy policy and the need for quality healthcare reform. After participating in a morning legislative briefing attended by lawmakers supportive of our community, advocates are paired with others from their state to attend scheduled meetings with Members of Congress and their staff.

NACDS RxIMPACT Key Contact Program

Over the years, NACDS RxIMPACT has engaged the pharmacy community through action alerts, face-to-face meetings, and in-district pharmacy tours. Collectively, these experiences have positioned you to develop policymaker relationships. These long-term relationships represent the future of NACDS RxIMPACT and are crucial to our success in advocating for policy priorities. Advocates select a member of Congress to “adopt” and register to participate in pharmacy-promoting opportunities.

NACDS RxIMPACT Training Program

Complement what you are learning about policymaking and effective advocacy from NACDS RxIMPACT with an effective face-to-face training that can help you, your employees, and/or your community understand how to effectively communicate with policymakers via letters, calls, face-to-face meetings, and pharmacy tours. This hour long session can be certified for live law CE credit and can be presented at pharmacy meetings, employee meetings, pharmacy schools, and state pharmacy meetings.

Social Media Promotes Pharmacy’s Priorities

Looking for a way to up your advocacy game? Learn more about how social media can truly promote pharmacy’s policy priorities to the public and national, federal, and state leaders impacting the laws by which you live — and serve your patients.  Connect with NACDS social media platforms on LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter and learn how you can effectively contribute to the virtual dialogue.

NACDS RxIMPACT On-Demand Advocacy Videos

Review our library of short videos covering How Legislators and Staff Prioritize Their Work, How Advocate Dialogue Impacts the Legislative Process, Strategies to Influence Undecided Lawmakers, Telling Your Story to Congress, Personalized Communications Can Be Influential, and Social Media and the US Congress. It also includes important videos reviewing Pre Fly-In Checklist, What to Expect on Capitol Hill, Following Up After the Hill Day.

NACDS Political Action Committee

If you work for a member company of NACDS, you might be eligible to participate in this important political program that supports the election of pro-pharmacy Members of Congress. Dubbed the best “Prescription for Good Government” out there, political action committees like NACDS-PAC, enable groups of like-minded individuals to pool their political contributions to support a common goal. NACDS-PAC unites pharmacy to advance the campaigns of pro-patient and pro-pharmacy candidates.