Published On: January 12, 2023245 words1.5 min readCategories: Press ReleaseTags: , , ,

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R)

NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson released the following statement today following Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ announcement that he will work with the state legislature to advance the most comprehensive pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) reform legislation in Florida’s history. Governor DeSantis indicated plans to advance legislation to address spread pricing, clawbacks, and steering to specific pharmacies:

“Governor DeSantis is right to stand up for Floridians by leading on pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) reform. ‘PBM’ should stand for pharmaceutical benefit manipulation because middlemen and payers are profiting at Floridians’ expense. Patients deserve more affordable access to medicines. Patients deserve the best value of care from the pharmacy and pharmacist they choose. Patients deserve to not choose between the necessities of life and their medicines. Patients deserve the discounts that PBMs and payers are pocketing rather than passing them on to patients. Patients deserve accountability from middlemen who interfere with their choice and access to care.

“NACDS is working on a bipartisan basis for meaningful PBM reform because Floridians and all Americans deserve better, and we greatly appreciate Governor DeSantis’ PBM reform commitments. We look forward to working with Governor DeSantis and with the legislature to maximize this moment for the benefit of Floridians and for the viability of the pharmacies that serve them. NACDS also will continue to work with leaders in other states and in the federal government to end this pharmaceutical benefit manipulation that impacts all patients.”