During the State of the Union address on March 1, 2022, President Biden discussed COVID-19 antivirals, saying: “Now we’re launching the Test-to-Treat Initiative so people can get tested at a pharmacy and, if they prove positive, receive the antiviral pills on the spot at no cost.” The National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan – released the following day on March 2, 2022 – describes the initiative this way:
“Launch a nationwide Test-to-Treat Initiative so Americans can rapidly access treatment, including by visiting a ‘one-stop’ location to get a free test and free treatment pills.
“The Administration will put forth new educational efforts for the public and providers so that Americans can rapidly access treatments. The Administration will establish ‘One-Stop Test-to-Treat’ locations at pharmacy-based clinics, community health centers, Long-Term Care Facilities, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities across the country. ‘One-stop’ sites will be operational by March.”
NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson said:
“We appreciate President Biden’s comments during the State of the Union and the related announcement about the COVID-19 antiviral test-to-treat initiative. This is an important step in the right direction. It reflects the critical importance of health and wellness services delivered through clinics in the retail setting.
“Still, further action is needed. Ultimately, another simple measure by the government is needed to move from thousands of test-to-treat access points to tens of thousands and to further enhance equity and access. This additional action would recognize pharmacists to perform the test-to-treat function, much like nurse practitioners are recognized to provide routine care for other disease states.
“In the event that another variant emerges, or in the event that vaccines are ineffective against variants, the current test-to-treat initiative does not leverage fully the health and wellness professionals and access points in America’s pharmacies. With lights on and doors open, America’s pharmacies and pharmacy teams have continued to serve Americans with trust, convenience, quality and equity. We look forward to continuing to work with the Biden Administration and with the Congress on this and other initiatives of importance to all Americans.”
What do Americans say?
NACDS has released opinion research insights about the role of pharmacies and pharmacy teams in the response to the pandemic – and specifically about antivirals.