Published On: April 24, 2020255 words1.5 min readCategories: Press ReleaseTags: ,

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National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) President & CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, issued the following statement today:

“Throughout this crisis, Gov. DeSantis has been one of the true leaders across the nation in helping to remove barriers so pharmacies and pharmacists can help to meet people’s health and wellness needs. Building off a recent effort to allow pharmacists to test and treat for flu and strep in Florida, the Governor took another important action by directing the state’s Surgeon General to allow licensed pharmacists to order and administer COVID-19 tests.  This builds on an important guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on April 8 to accelerate the availability of unencumbered testing across the nation.  Ultimately, this action should allow pharmacies and pharmacists to effectively ramp up testing to ensure Floridians’ health and to help re-open the state’s vibrant economy.”

Opinion research on Floridians’ views on pharmacy-related COVID-19 issues can be accessed at NACDS’ dashboard.

NACDS represents traditional drug stores, supermarkets and mass merchants with pharmacies. Chains operate nearly 40,000 pharmacies, and NACDS’ 80 chain member companies include regional chains, with a minimum of four stores, and national companies. Chains employ nearly 3 million individuals, including 155,000 pharmacists. They fill over 3 billion prescriptions yearly, and help patients use medicines correctly and safely, while offering innovative services that improve patient health and healthcare affordability. NACDS members also include more than 900 supplier partners and over 70 international members representing 21 countries.

NACDS members operate more than 3,500 locations in Florida, employing more than 224,000 individuals.